Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ms Sie < 3 403 Event (II)

nothing makes me happier than to hear my kids say they are happy when they stepped into my place....because its a place they can be themselves....with a group of people they are comfortable with.....yes, its like a family.

a family is one that welcomes its members with open arms, there is warmth, there is 亲情。 its not who is 'who' or who did 'what'....its just being who they envy, no jealousy, no hidden intent, no hard feelings....

actually, when i was about to make the transition between rv and this new place, i knew it was too big for me... but somehow, i was thinking, it would be spacious if 403 people come....when i shopped for the settee... i actually thought what would the kids like.... i nearly bought totally bean settee so that they can sprawl all over...then i told myself, better be practical.

ws and ld went wtih me to shop for this sofa set...and i literally spent more than 10 hours over 2 trips before making my choice...i chose this cos of the unusual wooden shelves at either end, which i thought T n B would like....and I actually thought it would be a nice piece for all to squeeze together for a photo take....that was some time in december 2010? To be precise 23 and 25 december.

And to see this photo, which i had conjured in my mind then.... yes, there is a sense of gratification.... at least it is a kind of 'homely' get together for the kids.....
whilst to them, it is so natural to come in for a gathering....for me, it is really not 'me'. I am well-known for being 'anti-social' from young and avoided class gatherings. I hate small talks. i hardly meet up except with close knit groups. With ex students, only the few that i am comfortable with. Even with colleagues, i was very very selective. My first 2 years in nushs was really with a closed group....which grew....thanks to the much warmth and genuine friendship of so many.....

whether its these kids, or the  very nice people that i knew there, i cant say. i only know they taught me that 天真 does exist; that people can gather without resorting to gossiping or back-biting; there is a spontaneity, a sincerity without being pretentious; a comaraderie without making one feel obligated; a open-ness without compulsion; a carefree spirit without being irresponsible or 'bimbotic' ; a intelligent atmosphere without 'gloating' or showing off; a sense of humour that first begin with being able to laugh at themselves.

No meanness, no hypocrisy, no self-righteousness yet not frivolous, not trivial....

when i first moved in. honestly, i didnt know where i was heading... for actually, i am ultimately, alone. ws was very supportive at that time and kept encouraging me to open up...

she, ld....and vl.... and pl...were super....from these 4 friends, they helped me focus to get the few furniture items...., and dc set up the broadband and IT related stuff....and the place is what it is today...simple, spacious, and homey.

ws helped me to be forward looking...i dreaded 'open house' and didnt know how to 'organise' gatherings....but over these 18 months, this place has been well visited and well used for a few occasions....From one that was in isolation for years, and sought reclusion.... i saw sunlight, felt cheeriness and looked forward every time the kids say they want to visit.....not just this group of kids....the year 4s are also a special bunch to me.

i no longer worry if i need to do anything extra, or that i need to talk to any or every one of them....its just so nice to see them, and to see them chatting away with each other....
when we are/were young, we categorise our 'friends'...good friends, close friends, best friends, companions, friend we eat with, friends we do certain things with..... and many of these come and life circumstances change....and they will change.... whatever we vouch/vow..... i should know....friends had always been closer to me than my actual blood ties....

what dylan wrote so intuitively about 403 struck me....  its a family...he put it across pointedly and aptly....just as gerlynn mentioned in her post, i was very touched by what he wrote...

yes, thats the family spirit... i hope this family spirit will abide...

a family is one that welcomes its members with open arms, there is warmth, there is 亲情。Yes, thats 403.... :)

i cant say whether it will last...but i know, i value it immensely.....

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ms Sie < 3 403 Event

This event came about because with the university term starting soon, and those going abroad will be flying off some time in aug/sept, its a gathering to catch up before the parting. With 2 girls not in Spore, 19 out of 21 came were definitely more than i had hoped for. It was particularly nice to see those who had not been here, and those who had not been in touch.

There was alot of noise, alot of exchanges, alot of cross-talks....just seeing them....make me happy. I see the subtle growth and change in some....and wondered what they would be like, some ten years, twenty years on....

I can understand why sometimes parents dont want to see their kids grow up. But seeing them growing up is also gratifying! The boys have really come out well through the NS stint....they have taken it so much better and much more positively than I had anticipated. I really realised 2 years of service is really a sacrifice for every male citizen. The girls have been good to be supportive and hearing their escapades.

It was a nice 6 hour session.... i admit, i wish it could be longer. But book-out time is precious, and they have to share the this short freedom amidst competing demands. That they are almost all here is really very good.

i realised also for some of them, it may be a long time before i see them again. And in many ways, it is unlikely to have such a big company together in this manner again. Whoever who came up with 天下无不散之宴席,spoke aptly.

I cant deny that it is not without that feeling of loss, to see them leave. But I am also fully aware that I am very fortunate to have such lovely students that had made alot of difference for me over the last 4 years. I am very content, and happy.

Rachel was the one that came out with the name of the event: Ms Sie <3 403.  I thought it was a strange title for a gathering event. But now I see how appropriate it is. Yes, i wanted to see them cos to me they are like my children, and yes, I do <3 403.  I really, really, really want to see each and every one of them safe, well, and happy. Honestly, i am very proud of them.

jm asked me if i was going to their passing out parade. I do have regular music lesson at that time. And dl said, but 403 is the music of your life. It came across rather spontaneously and though it was said in jest, it touched a chord. I will probably try to make it just to have one more occasion to be with them....

Thus ended this day, a lovely day, with a special Ms Sie <3 403 event..... awaiting gy to upload the photos.....


Monday, June 18, 2012










一首让我伤感的歌曲, 多多少少, 表达内心的怀念。 没有“痴迷 ”,然而,的确,有思念 。

很少允许思潮返回某段往昔, 但一些歌词, 无形中勾起回忆,让我内心感触颇深。

真诚的友谊,爽朗的对语,温馨的关坏,持久的扶助, 无私的施舍, 内心的长谈,无语的理解,。。。。



但原来也抵不住 狂风暴雨。。。。


这天上人间可能再聚 ”





Sunday, June 17, 2012

teach me to number my days.....

This was psalmist prayer, "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.." Psalm 90:12.

Over these 3 weeks, have seen the passing of a dear lady whom I have known more than half my life, heard of a few serious health problems among those I knew, including one that I had fairly close communication recently....that was the most unexpected, and he is but young, with a very young child. Its really painful to see the trials of others. How little one can help!

I view the end as a transition from this to the next, wherein, I have hope in a heavenly country, whose founder and maker is God. I dont view it as a sadness for myself, nor a 'relief from this world'. I trust in the Lord, whom I believe with my whole heart, and believe that he has forgiven my sins, and would receive me. Not because of anythng I had done, but for everything he had done, in his death at the cross, for sinners.

Within myself, I have peace about this. Its always comforting and making preparations for others that may care and value you that is the painful part. For it is a lonelier path, when one has one less friend, and i guess, to a few, i did matter to them....or at least i like to think, i do. I hope, to those who value me, they will remember well of me. Always.

Was talking to sk 2 days ago about this. She was surprisingly accepting of it. Yes, we have to live each day as if that is the last. I am thankful, that I do not feel like the young, who feel they havent lived life, and still want more. I only wish to make provision for others with wisdom,  and hope they will live life meaningfully. Finally, got down to doing this, and hope to settle things by the next month. Then really, I have done all that is needful.

No one knows if they have one day more, one week more, one year, one decade or many more decades to live. I wish for much less days than more.....

As I scan the remaining time, I would say, I have done all that I wish to which I am really glad. Tying up loose ends, and seeing through this batch of kids this year would be a very great achievement to me. It wasnt easy to leave the set path, people that i have grown to care and my comfort zone to another environment, far from what one is used to. But I really wanted to do this. More than completing my Masters. The masters is for myself. But helping the less privilege kids, its different.

As i see some of them picking up, I really am very happy. If it impact half of them, it would be 20 more! That is a joy to me, and really if this is the last of my teaching contribution, I believe this is one of the most worthwhile contribution, because it took out more of my energy and time than i had anticipated. But it is really very worthwhile.

"I shall pass this way but once;
any good therefore that i can do,
or any kindness that i can show ~
let me not defer nor neglect it,
for i shall not pass this way again."

as for the days ahead....however many, i know not what each day will bring. I only pray even as psalmist did, that the Lord would teach me to number my days and apply my heart unto wisdom.

This is not a sad post. Its a practical one. Should any worry, no, i do not have any health issues at the moment, though the many news of  sudden succumbing of strength and some quite immediate end, whether by illness or accident, made me determined not to procrastinate as if days would go on interminably.  I wish to mark down every milestone....


Thursday, June 14, 2012


I will begin by relating a meeting with a parent some years back. I like parents teachers meeting. I enjoy meeting parents, to hear them talk about their children, not to tell them about their children. I try to see as many of them as possible, just to understand their kid. Frankly whether they do well or not is incidental. Education is about working together to see the growth of the child, not to discuss "numbers" that become the fixation of many. I agree in some meetings, it is sad. On each occasion however, I would always have a case where I am filled with awe and respect....and this is one of them.

The parent being busy, it was arranged on a weekend. The kid involved is a very lively, interesting, mischieveous kid, whom I am no longer in contact. There is alot to learn from this family, who knew pain and life's dealings. But the parent has set an example in the face of adversities that has steered his family to happiness. I wont go into details, but what left the lasting mark in my mind of this parent was this thing he said of his child.

When we were discussing the positive affective development of the child, he said, yes, he also observed the same. He said, when we passed the security guard just now, the child, greeted the security guard 'Uncle" spontaneously and asked him how he was. The parent said, he took great consolation and pride when he observed that. He always teach his children, it is very important to treat those who are lesser well, and show courtesy and kindness to them. Seeing his child do it so naturally is a source of pride to him. Better than any results. Many parents will relate stories of the attainments of their children. But to him, this is a true attainment.

This is values education. This is good upbringing. I respect this family immensely. How many "educators" bother to greet those who serve?

In that, let me credit my parents for bringing me up very well. From young, we had to address any elder auntee, uncle, big sister, big brother, whether they be sweeper, cleaner, postman, market hawkers, waiters, waitress ...... I am totally not a social person, but, will make the effort particularly for those who serve.

In most of the schools I taught, I somehow seem to have the affinity with the supporting staff of this nature or with canteen vendor. The first was the drink stall vendor, G, an indian, who took care of drinks of teachers.  In those days, vendors brought the drink into the staff room. I was sickly then, and he would insist of me taking fresh milk, and warming up for me, especially when he realised I had severe gastric. He cried when I left. When I knew he was ill in hospital, I visited him, and he cried when he saw me, and said, I knew you would come if you knew....true, i went as soon as i did hear the news...I felt very much for him knowing he was poor, but I was hardly making ends meet at that time, and couldnt help him. He died, i think barely 40 with a few kids......

In the second school, there was also a lovely auntee who retired when she had a stroke...and the printer, mr ong, who died in service.....

At the present place that I am in, the sweeper of the school compound, a cute, elderly Malay man,  took pains to 'direct' my car to 'help' me park....and in turn, I would show I appreciate it.  He was always so happy when he see me drive in. He would wave excitedly at me, and made me feel, there is someone who welcome me. I made it a point to look out for him, and greet him.

Auntee is the lady that keeps the staff room tidy in my fifth school. I used to be in school very very early...., in my madness, sometimes at 5.  Auntee was around at 6 plus. She would always hum a hymn, go to the church nearby, before coming back for work. I was actually then, not very communicative, but never lost my upbringing in respect of  those who serve.

This lady is very remarkable, and after some time, she would make special chinese herbal drinks which she gave selectively to whom she will. Honestly, I didnt want to be the selected few, but her persistence, and genuine concern was touching. Through the years, she would relate much about her family, and showed us photos of her children and grandchildren.

At the back of my mind, I couldnt understand why she was still doing the menial task as her children appeared to be well off. So, I wondered if there were some other factors that she didnt share, though she was always so positive, happy and optimistic. But I knew she does have a special spot and concern for me, and some others who related well with her. In fact, she had asked me to go with her to UK where her son is, and spent a month or so there. It was really very sweet of her.

Recently, I heard that she had some health issues and had been on leave for a period. After some arrangement, 3 of us took her out for tea a few days ago. She was as chirpy as ever. This was not the first time we had done so. In fact the third time. There is always a spontaneous agreement, each time there is a suggestion, lets take auntee out, and there is never any hesitation with respect to finding time, no matter how busy. ..3 of us are in 3 different schools. 

It was good to see her. She embraced me when she saw me, and we embraced again, when we parted....
The previous time, she told us about her romance story. I remembered that was a 3 hour session, and it was so interesting and meaningful. This time, she told us of her 6 children and 17 grandchildren, and she also had a maid to take care of things at home for her and her husband.

I was astounded, and I said to her, why are you working as a cleaner when you have a maid at home? She laughed and said, she wants to occupy her time, and she enjoys what she is doing. How many will enjoy menial tasks and find it meaningful?

She had retired as a security guard (yes a lady security guard at ntu , she had stories of how to catch and kill snakes!) and had joined the cleaning company and enjoyed her work in the school. Her children did want her to stop, but she doesnt see why she should.

What a lady! She told us of how she served at the old folks home every weekend, and had been slapped by bad tempered old folks. She told us of how she helped person on the road wherever she is, and whenever she could. She told us of her pain not to have made it in time to see her mum last days, as she had 6 children to manage then and could not travel to Malaysis where her mother was..... and how she walked out of her darkness after months of grief.

Then she looked at me, and said, I knew what you were going through, although you wont say anything. And she understood, that I couldnt say anything.  This was the first time she said that to me, and I was really touched.

I didnt realise there was someone actually watching for me at that time. Yes, i really couldnt utter anything of that searing pain. One only understands when one has gone through. But, I also remembered at that time, I did have alot that did care for me. My very considerate and kind friend and neighbour, ld. My kids who always greeted me cheerfully. And many others who showed they cared by small gestures, getting me out for lunch, tea, ice-cream....

Here is a shining testimony of a lady of worth. She is a catholic, and whatever she did, she did it unto the Lord. This is a lady of humanity, little formal education, but in terms of true education, she beats us all. To her, everyone has a place, she did not judge work as menial or high status, nor does she feel inferior in any way. This is a lady of alot of guts, who when she was bullied in her previous job, took the brunt, and stood up for her rights.

There are people you need to meet up because of circumstances. There are people that you meet up with to catch up. But there are people that meet for no other reason than that there is a bond, like its natural for family members to meet. I am not comfortable with anyone, but with her, and the two friends, former colleagues, there is always this comfortableness. The four of us formed four different generations as each of us are at least ten years apart, but common bond, common humanity, common care , and most importantly, common values that bind us....where there is true bond, there is no generation gap. I almost felt these are my family members, and really regard them so. 

I feel awfully privileged to know her, and to know so many of her colourful life stories,.... And I really respect and value my two other friends, for their true humility and compassion in caring for those that seemed lesser in status, for their patience in being true listeners to hear what seemed to be of no 'economic' value to others; for their warmth and humanity. I have always respect and regard them highly for their intelligence, ability, and educational principles. And I respect and value them most for their values.

Action speaks louder than words is truly exemplified in these my 3 lovely friends. And age is no barrier. All of us, will attribute it to good parental upbringing which we have imbibed, respecting all, with particular concern for the lesser. This is noblesse oblige indeed.

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Dream vs Plan II

today is the last session of the last module i have enjoyed most, and this being the last module, it is really good that it should be the best. I remembered the very first module which is the next best that I enjoyed. And I have to admit, more than anything else, the reason why these 2 modules will remain so special to me, is because through them, I traced that inward cry within myself from a child....
at some point today, i asked myself, am i really not part of the 'Plan'? When i perceived so much difference in the way she conducted the module, that liberty of spirit, i really have to conclude the most important factor is, she is not brought up in this country, in this system.

And that couple could talk of their dream, because they left the 'planned route' here, and took the path to US to find their dream... i am too 'rooted'....and being part of the system, i have also pointed to this 'established route' to my kids....who dares recommend alternative pathways? Whether it is 'asian' vague manifestation of 'feudalism' i.e obeying authorities unquestioningly, or the constant nigger of 'economic survival' above all else, the path of 'success' is cast in a fixed structured planned manner. And if you dont take that, you end up with nothing very much.

To break free seems to be only for those more talented than others, who can find a niche. Otherwise even if you are 'high-ability', without that 'qualification' , the path is likely to reach a dead end. Hence we always give 'dead end' advice, to avoid dead end. 

And so ingrained is it in our system, that we dont realise how insidiously the 'Plan' structured for us by the education pathway has fixed our mind and route.....sigh....deep sigh....


today, i learnt about "aspiring" came across really refreshing......

at the end of the module, i felt i really had to have a few words with her...and i walked back to 'catch' her just as she stepped out.....

that short conversation, probably less than 5 minutes, made me happy....very happy.....had wanted to seek her views and advice over a matter..... i didnt expect her to be negative, probably wanted to know her reservations, if any.  Didnt expect her spontaneous response, that was so affirmative, so encouraging, not once, not twice but assuringly a few times.

Felt really like a kid for that moment....i cherished that moment..... partly because i dont remember  having that feeling of exhiliration and joy that a kid would wish for, from an adult.....

and also partly because, it is momentary, and unlikely to come true.... dreams never came true for me in any way in my life.... and whilst there was a momentary 'aspiration'.... i know i lack the will and determination to do it for i cherish the moment though fleeting and transient....

But i am contented and happy that there is someone who believes in me.....totally didnt plan the conversation, totally didnt expect the makes the joy real. i didnt fulfil alot of  things for myself, but its good to know, i could, if i want....

and it is the perfect end to the coursework of this Masters course. I am glad, very glad, i embarked on it, not for the status, but for the learning...and learn i did, immensely. And though i have taken the much tougher route in dissertation and will take a longer time, I am glad i have kept my values and beliefs and it had also given me the impetus to break out  of the structure to find more meaning through this uncertain pathway....

and  somehow the song, somewhere over the rainbow, floats into my mind.....

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high,
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true.
Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far
Behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon dropsAway above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly.
Birds fly over the rainbow.
Why then, oh why can't I?

If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?

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Thursday, June 7, 2012


i am really tired, but i must write to capture what i learnt today...

yes, its a very long time since i can say i am inspired by someone....but today, i really am.

not only were the session very informative, new and interesting, two things stood out.....


First of all, she clearly knew her content well. Not regurgitation, not 'picking' up from somewhere else, someone else...and joining them to make a  'presentation'....have seen too many of these over the past few years....

There is alot of difference between true quality and academic effort ...actually a world of difference.

Reading, both the breadth and depth is always very important. But the richness is brought forth when this is discussed in the light of one's experience both in understanding the crux of the material, and more importantly, they were not merely theories, (or applied once or twice and cited as 'experience') ~ one can only draw on insights and enhance the perspectives for otheres only when it is really one's genuine concern and field of practice.

Thats why i sometimes detest sessions that one 'shares' what one 'learns' from wherever, workshops, conference, seminars and what have you.... first of all, i really doubt if it has been assimilated by the 'sharer' who may be instructed to share. 

For those that need to build profile, it is a good opportunity to increase exposure time to inform others of how much one 'knows'. Very often (actually most of the time)  'big ideas'  'shared' are borrowed, but source rarely acknowledged.  As long as one 'agrees' that it is 'good', is good enough reason to promote it.

And often after the 'so-called' sharing, the materials (copied but beautified) are thrown aside, relegated to obscurity,  to pick up more up-to-date fads. I know people actually hold workshops from 'ideas' picked up, or from a one or two-off tries... chalatanism of various chameleon.

Actually, i never dared to do any 'educational sharing' until past 20 years of teaching. And even then, every session (not more than 10 thus far), i never felt good. Because each time i do so, i really wished for the effect to be long-lasting, but felt i failed. I really felt i didnt meet that mark, and did not convey it well, though, they are my life lessons as an educator. I lack that refinement, that effective communication to adults.....and that is one of my failures....

So, yes, i have alot of reservations with academics. To learn well, the learner must take ultimate responsibility.

But to be inspired, it does not depend on the learner but on the teacher/lecturer, and it has got to be someone who can honestly breathe and share the content from one's true experience and reflections. I was really inspired. The glimpses she gave us of her professional training was really very impressive.

Actually, this is the second module that i took under her. The first I was very cautious because of certain personal factors. But of all the modules, i enjoyed the design of her assignment most...and it was also my best subject. I thought it was chance factor. But I realised by today, that actually, yes, a well-designed course, thoughtful facilitation and giving room for creativity and personal space is really critical.

Apart from her professional work and many anecdotes of true experience and considerations, and the many actual research done in the field of education in support of her delivery.....the second factor that stood out was in her service.

Her love in her work is so evident from the way she delivered her content, and she was not merely an advocate, but within her realm, she initiated many small scale but sustainable voluntary projects to reach out to the underserved, and has spread her love (of reading in particular) to so many young children, with the view of developing them.

Its that intangible part that left a deep impression....

a few things, she said....

good intentions count........

dabrowski's highest level: self-actualization needs to take it a step further...... to meaningfulness....and she demonstrated that in ensample. Not mere platitude......she showed it with actions....and in such a fluid, creative, unobstrusive yet quietly powerful manner....

yes inspiring...


i dont have the energy nor the intelligence and focus that she has..... but it reminded me that one just need to love what one's doing, and to keep that fire burning in small ways......

this module far far exceeds my expectations....its such a pleasure.....and reminded me of so many things i love, reading, writing, creativity, doing something for the underserved....and to press on, no matter

it is really a very enriching learning phase....many many thanks to her....and she just received her letter of promotion yesterday, which we all rejoiced for her.....really well-deserved!

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dreams vs Plan

Started my last module which I must say I enjoyed immensely though it is an intensely compacted course over these three days. I felt invigorated by the many thought-provoking issues wrt principles, ideals and practices, and exchange of viewpoints and perspectives of many education issues.

Planning for the assignment alone is going to be a mammoth task, but actually, this has been the part I enjoy most in the course. It is through doing the assignment, that you have to plough through the readings, analyse the content, distil the inner voice within oneself, and ask, what does it mean to me? actually i spend alot more time to search for myself in the maze, than in being practical, i just want to live out my dream in my assignments.....

I especially enjoyed the company of my coursemates especially now in my lone walk to complete what i set out to do for this year....

Alot of thoughts over alot of things.....
Read about the demise of Dr Lim Hock Siew in the ST today. I vaguely remembered him from my childhood days, for his imprisonment without trial, for 18 was a generation that stood true to their beliefs....and did so, in their ideology to do good....courageous and simple.... and yes, i agree... the wrong was never put right.....

though there were issues of security that may need laws that i did not understand....but to take 18 years of a person's life, for ideological difference and perceived threats.......its very sad....more than sad.....

the article also depict an ensample of what a true medical doctor should be, care for the poor, care for the sick...wherever he was, even in prison....

i worry, when i see the hordes of medical students and young doctors at hospitals...the way some carry themselves...they dont realise their body language, their demeanour speak volumes....
and when we lose truly a truly good doctor, that did not go into medical for fame or money...... it is really sad......

Good  courageous man of this calibre is probably extinct in Singapore....we have lost a patriot, not nationally recognised, but who has in his way, cared for the welfare of the poor of the nation...
Read this article shared over fb, and whilst my pathway is very different, there are alot of sentiments shared that one can identify with.....

Really very good read. And for me the key statement, of many many that resonates within my own mind, is
"But living one’s dreams is difficult because it is a lone undertaking. "

In this, i have always walked alone. Perhaps, i was from a different generation, and was always an independent thinker. And yes, i questioned status quo all the time.

I had taken paths to fulfil obligations and responsibilities, and that was a distinct clear choice. I would not do otherwise in most instances. But, i was glad, i was never fettered by any 'Plan" conjured by societal 'branding of success'.  In fact, those that live, and many that be that do live in its shackles, however 'successful' they may be, is a very poor soul indeed....for all the attainment to position, control and material gains..........

Had alot more thoughts actually, but for now, it suffices.... i hope this couple updates on the dreams they have paved over the last ten years....we really need more originality like this....

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Emperor's Best Clothes

The analogy of this fable has been interpreted in diverse manner depending on perspectives....

I remember irritating (deliberately) some colleagues way way back (more than 10 years), when we were preparing for a relatively mega exhibition, and two days before the event, my section, which was to occupy nearly two classroom space had nothing up....

There were reasons....but people werent interested to listen... and they didnt understand anyway when i presented the i just worked with my kids....

I was actually not in good shape then, having had a bereavement some months earlier, and the impact was clearly all honesty, i was struggling, but knew i would get it accomplished...

there is an anxiety that meant well, that meant to render support to you at all costs....
there is an anxiety where the concern is, well, not for you....and you know it....

so when some relatively senior colleagues approached me then, with respect to the non-visible arrangment, i replied, cheerfully, using this fable to my advantage...and of course duly annoyed people.....

Nevertheless, in due time, everything was up and it turned out well, actually very well........


In the more recent years and months, i begin to see the fable yet from another angle.....

If you see the Emperor not wearing clothes, you must not say he is not wearing clothes.

You must tell a child to say the Emperor is not wearing clothes.

From a child, it is refreshing, naive, and spontaneous.

But from an adult?

That is an insult, an affrontation, the perception is totally changed...

And the probability of that adult would not keeping his head, literally, should be close to one.

I enjoy meeting up with L for discussions, because it is such a sparring session, no matter how contrary our positions may be, we somehow managed to converge in divergence. When we met 2 days ago, she used this fable as an analogy of her position, (not realising of course that this is also one of my favourite analogy) which reminded me again of my new 'postulation' of the interpretation.

I said to her, it is not for us to say the emperor is not wearing clothes. We must ask a child to say it. Well, she gave me that look of, well, thats you again!

Some things are really obvious, not only to children. It isnt that adults are so 'blinded' and 'crowd following' that they dont say what is obvious, or that they lacked the courage.

The truth is, for some truth to be palatably accepted, it must come from 'non-threatening' sources, perceived as innocent and guileless...

and as long as someone does not agree with the one in lead, the person would always be conjured as quite a.....dubious character.....

of couse some truth will never be palatable, and will never be seen as what it is....


why all these came to my mind was because i saw this advertisement on the side of a bus today.

The advert says: "The change is me".

What is it suppose to mean?

Change is neutral. "Me"? Well, it is personal.  Good or bad, who can say?

Wouldnt it be obvious that this slogan is meaningless, subjected to a myriad of interpretation, without much contextualisation? And for an advertisement of an institute......?

But this is perhaps the purpose, to promote high level thinking in esteemed institutes?

Perhaps thats precisely the noble intent of such a seemingly nebulous 'punchline'..... to generate 'intellectual' discussion of the kaleidoscope of changes?

Changes for whom? To whom?

Of course the key object has got to be  "ME". The primary focus, of utmost importance.

Why else would one want to consider change if " ME" is not involved?


And there was another statement near the slogan, something about if i can turn a blade of grass to a source of energy, I would be saving the environment....

seriously, i read it a couple of times...... I dont know if i have read it wrongly, but i was really intrigued..........

Isnt the blade of grass a part of the environment we want to save? like saving trees?

But turning it to a source of energy, will save the environment..... i see ( i mean i am trying to see).....i have learnt something new....

...i seriously lack the intelligence to understand such profundity.....


somehow, insidiously, the emperor's best clothes fable surfaced in my befuddled mind....


Saturday, June 2, 2012





