Thursday, June 7, 2012


i am really tired, but i must write to capture what i learnt today...

yes, its a very long time since i can say i am inspired by someone....but today, i really am.

not only were the session very informative, new and interesting, two things stood out.....


First of all, she clearly knew her content well. Not regurgitation, not 'picking' up from somewhere else, someone else...and joining them to make a  'presentation'....have seen too many of these over the past few years....

There is alot of difference between true quality and academic effort ...actually a world of difference.

Reading, both the breadth and depth is always very important. But the richness is brought forth when this is discussed in the light of one's experience both in understanding the crux of the material, and more importantly, they were not merely theories, (or applied once or twice and cited as 'experience') ~ one can only draw on insights and enhance the perspectives for otheres only when it is really one's genuine concern and field of practice.

Thats why i sometimes detest sessions that one 'shares' what one 'learns' from wherever, workshops, conference, seminars and what have you.... first of all, i really doubt if it has been assimilated by the 'sharer' who may be instructed to share. 

For those that need to build profile, it is a good opportunity to increase exposure time to inform others of how much one 'knows'. Very often (actually most of the time)  'big ideas'  'shared' are borrowed, but source rarely acknowledged.  As long as one 'agrees' that it is 'good', is good enough reason to promote it.

And often after the 'so-called' sharing, the materials (copied but beautified) are thrown aside, relegated to obscurity,  to pick up more up-to-date fads. I know people actually hold workshops from 'ideas' picked up, or from a one or two-off tries... chalatanism of various chameleon.

Actually, i never dared to do any 'educational sharing' until past 20 years of teaching. And even then, every session (not more than 10 thus far), i never felt good. Because each time i do so, i really wished for the effect to be long-lasting, but felt i failed. I really felt i didnt meet that mark, and did not convey it well, though, they are my life lessons as an educator. I lack that refinement, that effective communication to adults.....and that is one of my failures....

So, yes, i have alot of reservations with academics. To learn well, the learner must take ultimate responsibility.

But to be inspired, it does not depend on the learner but on the teacher/lecturer, and it has got to be someone who can honestly breathe and share the content from one's true experience and reflections. I was really inspired. The glimpses she gave us of her professional training was really very impressive.

Actually, this is the second module that i took under her. The first I was very cautious because of certain personal factors. But of all the modules, i enjoyed the design of her assignment most...and it was also my best subject. I thought it was chance factor. But I realised by today, that actually, yes, a well-designed course, thoughtful facilitation and giving room for creativity and personal space is really critical.

Apart from her professional work and many anecdotes of true experience and considerations, and the many actual research done in the field of education in support of her delivery.....the second factor that stood out was in her service.

Her love in her work is so evident from the way she delivered her content, and she was not merely an advocate, but within her realm, she initiated many small scale but sustainable voluntary projects to reach out to the underserved, and has spread her love (of reading in particular) to so many young children, with the view of developing them.

Its that intangible part that left a deep impression....

a few things, she said....

good intentions count........

dabrowski's highest level: self-actualization needs to take it a step further...... to meaningfulness....and she demonstrated that in ensample. Not mere platitude......she showed it with actions....and in such a fluid, creative, unobstrusive yet quietly powerful manner....

yes inspiring...


i dont have the energy nor the intelligence and focus that she has..... but it reminded me that one just need to love what one's doing, and to keep that fire burning in small ways......

this module far far exceeds my expectations....its such a pleasure.....and reminded me of so many things i love, reading, writing, creativity, doing something for the underserved....and to press on, no matter

it is really a very enriching learning phase....many many thanks to her....and she just received her letter of promotion yesterday, which we all rejoiced for her.....really well-deserved!

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