Dreams vs Plan
Started my last module which I must say I enjoyed immensely though it is an intensely compacted course over these three days. I felt invigorated by the many thought-provoking issues wrt principles, ideals and practices, and exchange of viewpoints and perspectives of many education issues.
Planning for the assignment alone is going to be a mammoth task, but actually, this has been the part I enjoy most in the course. It is through doing the assignment, that you have to plough through the readings, analyse the content, distil the inner voice within oneself, and ask, what does it mean to me? actually i spend alot more time to search for myself in the maze, than in being practical, i just want to live out my dream in my assignments.....
I especially enjoyed the company of my coursemates especially now in my lone walk to complete what i set out to do for this year....
Alot of thoughts over alot of things.....
Read about the demise of Dr Lim Hock Siew in the ST today. I vaguely remembered him from my childhood days, for his imprisonment without trial, for 18 years...it was a generation that stood true to their beliefs....and did so, in their ideology to do good....courageous and simple.... and yes, i agree... the wrong was never put right.....
though there were issues of security that may need laws that i did not understand....but to take 18 years of a person's life, for ideological difference and perceived threats.......its very sad....more than sad.....
the article also depict an ensample of what a true medical doctor should be, care for the poor, care for the sick...wherever he was, even in prison....
i worry, when i see the hordes of medical students and young doctors at hospitals...the way some carry themselves...they dont realise their body language, their demeanour speak volumes....
though there were issues of security that may need laws that i did not understand....but to take 18 years of a person's life, for ideological difference and perceived threats.......its very sad....more than sad.....
the article also depict an ensample of what a true medical doctor should be, care for the poor, care for the sick...wherever he was, even in prison....
i worry, when i see the hordes of medical students and young doctors at hospitals...the way some carry themselves...they dont realise their body language, their demeanour speak volumes....
and when we lose truly a truly good doctor, that did not go into medical for fame or money...... it is really sad......
Good courageous man of this calibre is probably extinct in Singapore....we have lost a patriot, not nationally recognised, but who has in his way, cared for the welfare of the poor of the nation...
Good courageous man of this calibre is probably extinct in Singapore....we have lost a patriot, not nationally recognised, but who has in his way, cared for the welfare of the poor of the nation...
Read this article shared over fb, and whilst my pathway is very different, there are alot of sentiments shared that one can identify with.....
Really very good read. And for me the key statement, of many many that resonates within my own mind, is
"But living one’s dreams is difficult because it is a lone undertaking. "
In this, i have always walked alone. Perhaps, i was from a different generation, and was always an independent thinker. And yes, i questioned status quo all the time.
I had taken paths to fulfil obligations and responsibilities, and that was a distinct clear choice. I would not do otherwise in most instances. But, i was glad, i was never fettered by any 'Plan" conjured by societal 'branding of success'. In fact, those that live, and many that be that do live in its shackles, however 'successful' they may be, is a very poor soul indeed....for all the attainment to position, control and material gains..........
Had alot more thoughts actually, but for now, it suffices.... i hope this couple updates on the dreams they have paved over the last ten years....we really need more originality like this....
Labels: Masters, Me, Miscellaneous Reflections
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