Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thoughts on "In Defence of Lim Chong Yah"

Saw the title of this article in ST whilst at sk's place, and took back the papers to read this article. For two main reasons:

Firstly, I have a high regard for Prof Lim Chong Yah, whom I remembered as being the one who was instrumental in steering our economy through the NWC. Honestly, as a teacher, whose pay was really so low in the 1980s, I always looked forward to the NWC recommendations. It also included paycuts, payfreeze in the difficult days of 1986-1987. But I respected their proposals. 

Economics has always been my favourite subject, which I majored in Uni. Prof Lim's textbook guided us through A levels. I have the utmost respect for him. Because things were turbulent in the 1970s-1980s, nothing was taken for granted. There was trouble in practically every neigbouring country and things were unrestful, and economy far from being stable then. I was acutely aware because whether I could continue education depended on economy and stability.

It had been a very long time (to me) since I heard about Prof Lim since he retired from NWC. When he put forth his 'shock therapy' earlier this year, honestly,  I didnt know how to react to it, nor to the responses that came from different quarters. I noted that it was not well received. Recently, in observing what i had over the course of the year, I thought of his proposal again....

I also have the highest regard for Prof Tommy Koh. It took me by surprise that he would publicly support Prof Lim's proposal which did not seem to be taken favourably.

I highly recommend every thinking Singaporean to read this defence. Whether you agree or not, we all need to consider our role in community. Not just what you have, or do not have.

I quote his final two paragraphs:

"In conclusion, I wish to thank Prof Lim for being our moral conscience. He has reminded us that our mission is to achieve growth with equity. Our ambition is to build a fair an prosperous Singapore. What we have achieved so far is a prosperous and unfair society.

Prof Lim has warned us that we have deviated from our original path and that we are dangerously close to a point when our inequality could adversely affect our cohesion and harmony."

I think the words speak for itself. Reading the article, I decided to post the notes I had made (below) a few days ago, that I had kept as a draft......pondering

Communal and Individual

i thought of the very wide gap between the academic able, and less able, both within a school, and across the nation. What would that translate into a few years down the road?

i realised that whilst idealist may advocate teaching to learners' ability and readiness, this itself will most likely lead to widening the gap. i also realised that no single panacea can address disparities.

If i have to suggest a panacea, it is that those with more must be willing to sacrifice and those with less need to be given support and they must be willing to go the extra mile to work harder. This will help to ease the inequality somewhat. i half wonder if this is not a shadow of Prof Lee CY's shock therapy for the economy. I respect him. But how to work that out?

In a way, i now understand how communism could have come about, to attempt to address the gap. But, in doing so, individualism is lost.  How to balance the two requires alot more than 'national conversation'. Communal care  is not 'organised' conversations. It is a delicate balance that can only be achieved if there is a commonality. That is, if one in the first place, truly embrace communality.

Communalism is however not communism. Enforcing equality slays individuality and is in itself an unfairness. Everyone is responsible for themselves ultimately. If you have less, live with less. Communalism however does require those with more, not to clamour for more; to make sacrifices to wait a little for the less to catch up. Community work is not communalism.

The inequality gap is widening at such an increasing, almost alarming rate. At the lunch with buddies a couple of weeks ago, when we exchanged views, I did raise what i observe of the widening disparity, that begins with 'education' and the societal discord that will inevitably result....i really dont wish to see that in my lifetime....

National Examination

Seriously, without a national examination setting a common standard, where would the standard be? Just like competitions, it does provide the impetus to get the kids to be really be serious. One sees most effort toward the end.... there is this goalpost that help spur them on....

And in national examinations, teachers are the mentors of students, guiding them toward the goal post.  There is an objectivity, a common learning goal. Here teachers are not the examiners. There is alot of difference in this.

But that said, the process must be valued more than the product. But what is the process that one would want to reach the final goalpost?  Sometimes, I wonder what went wrong.... .

Yet, I somehow feel, at the end of the day, it is the lack of vision that run down the line.....

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012


This is my  response to the education debates that have been dominating headlines...
My first question is, What does education mean to each and every one of us? I have thrown this question to my 403 in our mentoring session before.

What is education? Whose responsibility? Is it couch in a system? What is the purpose of a school? What is the role of teachers? Everyone knows the role of a doctor. What is the role of a teacher? It seems obvious, but if one see the whole myriad of tasks that teachers have to do, often without choice, one really need to ask that question.

If one wants to find some 'panacea', start from the premise. If the premise is not laid down, all the tinkering leads only to confusion. And it starts with stating the role of school, the roles of teachers. Laying down the premise focuses the issues.

I remembered some years ago, hearing a lady who was from a prominent school, who holds a senior position in education saying, I dont remember much of my school days except one incident which she went on to relate. It wasnt significant. I only remember, at that moment, I thought how sad.

I was also similarly disturbed by statements from distinguished people saying, they couldnt remember what they learnt, only the activities or kindness from teachers, or their times with their friends. I also thought how sad. Surely, schools should be the place that spur students to want to learn, to want to open the windows of their mind....

Few, there be, though thankfully, there are, of those I know, who remembered some lesson well taught, some teachers upholding integrity, and best of all, those who can say of their schools that imbued the sense of belonging (not branding) and made them feel they are part of a community.

I remembered a friend relating how he learnt trigonometric graphs from his math teacher, how his teacher taught him from the first principles. He lived in a two room flat then, and attended a school, that if ranked, is probably very far from being the top. He said, I come from an unranked school, yet, my teacher built our concepts. He went on to be a great lover of mathematics, a mathematics teacher, a mathematics textbook author. He was talking of  mathematics lesson more than 30 years ago, when all schools had was, chalk and board.

Our experience of education affects how we see roles of schools and teachers. Teachers are often the by products of their education. The key personnel in delivering 'education' are teachers. We are likely to teach the way we are taught, at least for the initial few years. In some cases where we had not gained, we remember not to teach the way we were didnt learn well. Those who see only the imporatnce of winning and scoring as students, well, what would they advocate? Teachers beliefs and experiences drive them.

I have written many a times of my school days, of my alma mater. Indeed, my school was the haven in the tempest of my early years... and my love for learning grew and never abated....


In those days where we had so much less materially, we were the richer for it. Those who love to learn, fight for opportunity to learn through adversities especially when family situation may not be favorable. As students, we did housework, took on part-time jobs, those whose parents are hawkers helped their parents, and we forged on, to continue our education.

Not for career path. Not to be somebody. Not to have your future tracked for you because of whatever tiered scholarships.
Because we want to learn. To be educated. Is this imbue in our students? Or are test results continually dangled in front of them?

Many of our forefathers who were successful, did not get fanciful grades in schools. Some didnt even have the chance to go to school. But they were educated. And when they succeeded, many were generous to return to society, and were great philanthropists.

Singapore's education scene is the way it is, is because of the way it had been engineered. Education is equated with success, and success always equated with winning competitions, with attaining to academic success. Who drew the attention? The media?

Amongst the academically able, scholarships is seen as the key to their future, the start of the mapping out of their lives. Is this the purpose of education?

There are people who think because they have scholarships, they would get promoted or should get promoted. And so fast is their promotion, that many of these young who hardly accumulate indispensable teaching experiences are often given decision making positions.

I must be a slow learner. I think I reach a reasonable expertise level about the 8th year of my teaching.

Teaching experience matters? I reserve my views on this.  More accurately, its the accolade that you collect along the way, the number of conferences you present, how 'high the level' of your contribution, how high you score in ranking, what your perceived potential  is, I think, there is a term for it, CEP? From just a mere one or two year's experience, potential can be seen? How long does it take for a apprentice to attain expertise in any craft?


We have lost alot. Which is so ironic In the old days, many of us became educators for low pay, but we had high ideals.

When I was a trainee teacher, there were principals known so much for their educational values, and so well-loved by the school community. I can recall at least 5 principals, some of whom I have never met before, but their testimony was well known in the education circle. One of them, Mr Cheong Heng Yuen, who turned Pei Cai Secondary school round, and went on to champion the cause of Pastoral Care and Career Guidance when he was the Deputy Director. I remembered attending a meeting with my school Principal, and he would admonish the principals to place the welfare of the students above ranking, above the glory of the school. I respect him for his courage and true convictions.

Pray, how many can one find amongst the present education leaders that have his credentials? What Mr Cheong advocated, was not theory. He carried them out through dedicated years as a teacher, and Principal. He showed it could be done, and it was. Give us more of such true educators whom the young can emulate, whose passion and vision are not generated by authorities on high.

Teachers' pay in Singapore are among the best in the world. Yet, I have heard young teachers expressing they are not well paid, for their ability and work done. And feel their promotion is due. Where is the conviction? Where is the passion? Where are the values?

Were values and character building not a concern in the past? Yes, it was. Thats why Civcs and Moral Education were introduced. I remembered in the first training session in combined schools training. I personally thought the lady leading it was quite good, but the training program in itself, well, the same cannot be said.

When she asked if there were any questions, a teacher put up his hand, and asked bluntly,  When will this program be replaced? She was adept in her reply, and she genuinely did believe that the new program would address some issues. But the teacher was right. From Civics lessons, to Religious Knowledge, to Pastoral Care and Career Guidance, those of us who stayed long enough are natural cynics. The constant is change.True enough, the program was replaced within 5 years?

And each new program cost new resources....who bears the accountability?


Honestly, I do believe there is now a sincere attempt to address issues. More sincere than any time I have seen and there seem to be alot of soul searching. I have alot of respect for Mr Tharman in particular.But the focus i hope is on the substance, not changing the form.

The structure of the system, examination, modes of grading, 'character building' programs may need some refinement but they may not be the essense of the issue. Though they are cited as the vitals, they may not impact the true substance of education.

There had been so many changes, constant changes....really too many changes. Why introduce further uncertainties? Why not work on what that truly matters?

There is nothing very 'wrong' with PSLE. The main complain has always been directed at the mathematics questions. And as a mathematics teacher I agree, that is a big issue. One cant stress creative problem solving too early because at an inappropriate cognitive stage, it does more damage. I feel very sad hearing students telling me, I cant do math since primary schools.  And how many of the primary school mathematics teachers saw the thinking process themselves?

Being able to solve a problem does not equate critical thinking or problem solving. Is it so unknown that many teach mathematics procedurally?  And that the country ranked well in international mathematics because Singapore's mathematics curriculum has one of the highest correlation with PISA test? And one factor for the success is, the amount of extra hours outside of curriculum put in by students?

How many among the 30000 teaching force read research papers and reports? Or are even remotely interested, or even know of their existence? If teachers dont seek to know more, and take the initiative to learn and understand more of learning theories and address learning issues, then, how can they teach problem solving when they have to be instructed all the time? I have heard teachers who declare they dont like to read. And many who just want to be told what to do. Even at postgraduate level.

I believe changes must be made, if they are necessary. But is tinkering, without knowing if they are indeed relevant  necessary?

Are there changes that are necessary? Yes. There are some things that truly matters.

Classroom size. Give teachers smaller classes, about 30. Give teachers more teaching time for their subject. Unbelievably, subject time has to compete with co-curricular activites time. Of greater concern is, many teachers are relegated to so many extraneous duties, they hardly have time to focus on their teaching preparation and reflection. In fact this is often the area sacrificed because it cant be seen, it cant be measured. Teaching cannot be reduced to mere content delivery.

Focus teachers on teaching, on content, on pedagogy, on understanding the growth and welfare of children, both cognitive and affective development. Give teachers time and space.

Every teacher should be the role model of character building and values. That is the duty of every teacher. Examinations can be used as a means to build character, integrity, perseverance, resilience, obstacle test. In itself, there is nothing wrong with examinations. What went wrong is the failure of education personnel in their perception of it. There are educational values in examination. Sadly, it is often the school and the educators that miss the mark.

The award chasing to 'brand' school should cease completely. That and the ranking of teachers for 'performance bonus' and promotion had been instrumental in obscuring the focus of education.

Save the expenses of overseas trips. It is an enormous expense. Did I read the headlines that it is never too young to embark on overseas educational trips? At pre-primary? Really? Why not use the money more prudently for the overall core good of the pupil? This is one way of teaching the importance of living within your means.

I remember in my Secondary school days, there was a fund-raising for students who could not afford a certain overseas trip. I remembered then wondering, why are we doing this? if you cant afford to go, dont go. I never applied because I knew I couldnt afford. Why should I be subsidised for what I could not afford? Why is that seen as a deprivation? At 16, I saw it. I couldnt understand why others couldnt. Live within your means. And be content. That is intelligence in itself.

Conduct a longitudinal research and see what real lasting educational values have been attained. How much has been spent on such trips? Both students and education personnel as well. Compile the costs, and account how much educational values are gained? Or lost....

And let research results be more publicly accessible.


When parents spent time with their children, they imbue lifelong values.

When teachers spent time with their charges, doing what they are supposed to do, which is to teach and care for them, it would more likely attain to the true substance of education. Then only can the 'utopian' state of every school being a good school be realised. Then the pressure of examinations and the consequences from it would not be viewed as so dire.

Finally, before teachers blame the system for all the lackings, I still say the same, reflect your own responsibility. Soul searching does not start from policy makers. It starts from us as teachers. If you are an educator, it is your responsibility to each kid, whatever the system.

Complaining is not taking responsibility. You choose to be a teacher, be a good teacher.

We owe it to the kids, to help them in their way ahead. Doctors owe it to their patients. No difference for teachers. I can say this, because as a teacher, I take responsibility. Whatever the system, whatever my unhappiness, I place my students first. Over two decades.

I hadnt suggest anything new. And all these are obvious.

So is the fact that the Emperor is not wearing clothes...


Friday, September 14, 2012


Relatively speaking, this has been one of the longer pause .... given time, the gaps may be was a needed hiatus.

for a start, nothing 'personal' per se.... just some thoughts on 2 'intended' changes announced...

first is education-related. the news that banding and academic awards will be removed. It resonates well with one of my earlier post, "Real Winners do not compete", so that was a 'happy' news. Actually, the banding is not as detrimental as the chase of awards, so it was more the latter that i am glad to see.

No need to say more about it, since, a step in the right direction has been taken. But, it is only a step.

As i have written elsewhere, systems is a convenient scapegoat for one's action and pursuit. When ranking was first introduced, I was in a school whose principal disdain such measures. She stood her ground, the school still did well. She never talked about 'msg', so no one talked about it either. Every assembly session were anecdotes that cause one to reflect and learn more about life. That was ranking at its peak. But I didnt feel the impact. That is true leadership.

The issue lies alot with people who conveniently use 'system' as a masquerade of what is within themselves.

Nevertheless, i appreciate the move. I hope the next would be the  removal of  'ranking' of teachers, and kpis.

Setting goals is always good and necessary. But to link it with 'ranking' and 'performance bonus' and 'promotion', it is degrading. When one talks about values, it is not measured materially. When one wants to be 'paid according to one's worth in ability/performance' , then i wonder if such should be an educator in the full sense of the word. Its like a doctor being judged by how many patients he sees, and how many get well.

But, if such incentives are being removed, then i suspect there would be many vacancies in many high places in education institutions. This is probably one 'sacred cow' that will not be removed. Well, hopefully, a more perceptive approach that will encourage young educators with a true heart.

In writing this, i thought of the person i spoke to yesterday, truly an exemplar educator...... will come back to this another time....

the second, seemingly trivial, is the returning of trays at food centre. i admit i was one of those who opposed to this when it was introducted at the food centre near my place, probably in 2004.

why? i was very very unhappy then. I remembered mum wondering if we should return our trays,  and i said i cant be bothered. When one constantly faced the harshness of life, battered and hassled at all sides, some small things can seem like the last straw.

i hate dirty tables, and hate to clean up after someone else's mess at food centres. Having got to look after people practically my whole life, i was always queing up and serving others, always saying, its ok, even when it is not....i was tired, very tired. With self-service at food centres, i had to carry the food, for mum and i. Whether i was unwell, whether my hands were unsteady, i had to hide that. I always had to say, no problem, when sometimes there were problems. And some of the hawkers can be very rude, and likewise those clearing the trays. I was just plain fed-up. And didnt want to do anything more than what i really need to. One more thing, is one thing too much. i would have to be the one doing the clearing. i was too tired.  I rather not eat at food centres then. so, well, i didnt cooperate.

In schools, yes, we always returned back utensils. But everyone does that, and there was little mess, as there was order.

Over the last few years, i went more often for meals at nus and at ntu, that it began to dawn upon me that if tertiary institute canteens have that habit, why not food centres? i also genuinely pitied some of the workers and felt bad about my lack of graciousness in the past, and really want to do my part. But i wouldnt know where to return the trays to. I can be quite clumsy. 

The nigger about this became greater with the foreigners debate. Not that i wished to be inundated with a great proportion of non-natives, but i also detest all the 'bullying'  and caustic remarks especially online, about foreign workers etc. Our foreparents were also such migrants.

so, yes, the re-introduction of encouraging patrons to return trays at food centres is good news to me. i am glad i can do my part now.  I guess its strange that this should even be written in a post. It is trivial.

True. Its a very small matter, but tiny as it is, it is a gesture of humanity. And humanity shown   ~  to one and all, in this short space, called not trivial to me.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Real Winners do not compete....

shouldnt be taking any break, much less write here, when i am barely half way through my assignment.....blame stangxr for it! He messaged me a link about education...i was intending to just glance through, then of course got caught!

Here is the link!
I am not in a position to say whether the Finland system will work for spore, obviously, i have my own views.

But I definitely can see many valuable principles in it that Singapore schools and teachers should take note:
"Real winners do not compete.  .....................There are no lists of best schools or teachers in Finland. The main driver of education policy is not competition between teachers and between schools, but cooperation."
I cant agree more with this statement. REAL WINNERS DO NOT COMPETE! THEY COOPERATE!
And many of the present day "educators" enter into the realm by competition, focusing only on their 'scholastic achievement' (which is basically exam grades for most) reduce education to competition and ranking, and use statistics to justify their warped educational values.
We have alot to learn from Finland. But at the end of the day... it is those that would and want to learn, that will learn.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Discrete good

"The key to wisdom in these circumstances is to make the distinction between discrete good and systemic good. When you are in the grip of a big, complex mess, you have the power to do discrete good but probably not systemic good."

The fallacy of Plannng
Dr Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow.

I remembered being struck by these words when I first read it in an article, and have since adopt it among my favourite quotations.

I remembered another one that someone quoted an old chinese saying many years ago, that It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

And in that, whatever the complex mess, one can do what one can within the circumference of one's situation. How big the circumference is not the issue.

Over these past 4 weeks (i didnt quite realise its only 4 weeks), I have set 4 tests, 2 graded exercise, one exam, vetted 8 test/exam papers, marked a total of 13 sets of tests/graded exercise, each set 39 kids.

Do i mind? Actually no. I was the one that set the tempo and schedule for everyone. The issue is not how many tests/graded exercise. My students didnt complain, especially if the tests were reasonable, to help consolidate concepts, help defined what they know or didnt know, and help them strengthened their weakness. And it helps teachers to diagnose and adjust their teaching strategies. And my colleagues didnt complain. I was impressed by the team work, and willingness to learn. Hard work never kills anyone. In fact when the attitude is right, and grounded on true concern, people worked harder, are more genuine, and students are motivated to work, because teachers set the correct tone.

I am against results focused outcome, but I am fully supportive of ensuring students do learn. I am against being seen as a result-churning teacher, but do want to prove the point that a concept grounded-pedagogigcally sound-distinctly differentiated for each child teaching strategy must work. Whilst I detest a system that is focused on examinations, actually I am in favour of national examinations. That is an objective standard to measure if students meet the required standard. And that is important. Also, it measures cumulative knowledge, skills and techniques.

It is also a good way of reflecting on one's teaching approach. People who complain about the quality of students, should consider why they are teachers. If you only want to teach or can only teach good students, then .....i leave this as an open-ended question.  

The psle score of my present kids range from 190 -210. We are still running this marathon...and i hope the lessons learnt about themselves in the process of this journey will remain with them for a long time. As for the outcome, I believe, one will reap according to what one sow.

The joy of teaching is to see that spark in thinking, that 'click' as the concepts fall into place; that jubilation when the student overcome a personal learning obstacle.....

I had the good fortune of teaching in a school with an excellent principal for ten years when there were no IP schools. All students faced national examinations, but there is a consistency over the school years, and teachers did have the liberty to teach in a variety of ways, and introduce programs. It was never a drill and drill process.

As I mentioned in my previous post, system and school are separate entities. Blaming system is a way of avoiding personal responsibility. The Principal had clear educational values, and this was clearly translated down. In those ten years, I took my kids to sit in a court case and visit the Parliament for English lessons. When its time for debate lessons, all students in the class debate. Not just the best speakers. And in math, we had games, projects, competition training for fun. Never for results. In fact, many of the journal tasks I designed came from those days where i had so many ideas, but not the time to carry them out, or when i did, it was in much smaller scale. Then for non academic aspect, there was work experience program, job shadowing, including visits to hotels to see how the culinary section operates...and many many more programs, all simple and at little cost.  I was very fortunate. I had the space and liberty to carry out and learn how the students learn. And there was no work review. No one would dream of using these means to chalk up personal points. We did it because we love our kids. That was more than enough motivation. And pay was low.

And we did very well for exams. Focused on conceptual learning. Not drilling. I remembered my Principal saying, about ranking results, those numbers are beneath us. What a leader! Many events that i observed recently reminded me of her again.  I really was very fortunate to have worked under her.

The present education system is indeed a complex mess. Examination which many blamed, is not the root cause of the problem.

 I only hope there will be a better generation of educators who will not be engaged in rhetorics about the education system, but would look at the historical perspectives of the education system, and evaluate what has led to this complex mess.

Statistics in its myriad rampant application to measure 'position', 'reward linked key performance indicators' 'reputation' have built a soul-less system, with undiscernible avarice cultivated in the noble platform of education. Statistics declare success (or failure). All students of statistics should also know, that, statistics lie. And they do more than lie, when they are used as justification of couched intents of individuals. But 'system' is a convenient camouflage.

Thankfully, whilst the suffocating tentacles of the powers that be in the form of 'system' seem prevalent (blaming system is safe isnt it?), one still see quite a few good hearts, and minds, dedicated, and principled, and that is truly an encouragement and an impetus to keep one's ideals going. 

We are not alone. Lets continue to do discrete good. :D

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Dream vs Plan II

today is the last session of the last module i have enjoyed most, and this being the last module, it is really good that it should be the best. I remembered the very first module which is the next best that I enjoyed. And I have to admit, more than anything else, the reason why these 2 modules will remain so special to me, is because through them, I traced that inward cry within myself from a child....
at some point today, i asked myself, am i really not part of the 'Plan'? When i perceived so much difference in the way she conducted the module, that liberty of spirit, i really have to conclude the most important factor is, she is not brought up in this country, in this system.

And that couple could talk of their dream, because they left the 'planned route' here, and took the path to US to find their dream... i am too 'rooted'....and being part of the system, i have also pointed to this 'established route' to my kids....who dares recommend alternative pathways? Whether it is 'asian' vague manifestation of 'feudalism' i.e obeying authorities unquestioningly, or the constant nigger of 'economic survival' above all else, the path of 'success' is cast in a fixed structured planned manner. And if you dont take that, you end up with nothing very much.

To break free seems to be only for those more talented than others, who can find a niche. Otherwise even if you are 'high-ability', without that 'qualification' , the path is likely to reach a dead end. Hence we always give 'dead end' advice, to avoid dead end. 

And so ingrained is it in our system, that we dont realise how insidiously the 'Plan' structured for us by the education pathway has fixed our mind and route.....sigh....deep sigh....


today, i learnt about "aspiring" came across really refreshing......

at the end of the module, i felt i really had to have a few words with her...and i walked back to 'catch' her just as she stepped out.....

that short conversation, probably less than 5 minutes, made me happy....very happy.....had wanted to seek her views and advice over a matter..... i didnt expect her to be negative, probably wanted to know her reservations, if any.  Didnt expect her spontaneous response, that was so affirmative, so encouraging, not once, not twice but assuringly a few times.

Felt really like a kid for that moment....i cherished that moment..... partly because i dont remember  having that feeling of exhiliration and joy that a kid would wish for, from an adult.....

and also partly because, it is momentary, and unlikely to come true.... dreams never came true for me in any way in my life.... and whilst there was a momentary 'aspiration'.... i know i lack the will and determination to do it for i cherish the moment though fleeting and transient....

But i am contented and happy that there is someone who believes in me.....totally didnt plan the conversation, totally didnt expect the makes the joy real. i didnt fulfil alot of  things for myself, but its good to know, i could, if i want....

and it is the perfect end to the coursework of this Masters course. I am glad, very glad, i embarked on it, not for the status, but for the learning...and learn i did, immensely. And though i have taken the much tougher route in dissertation and will take a longer time, I am glad i have kept my values and beliefs and it had also given me the impetus to break out  of the structure to find more meaning through this uncertain pathway....

and  somehow the song, somewhere over the rainbow, floats into my mind.....

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high,
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true.
Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far
Behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon dropsAway above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly.
Birds fly over the rainbow.
Why then, oh why can't I?

If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?

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Friday, May 25, 2012


over the course of this week, in 5 different contexts, two in casual conversation, one by a worried parent, and two in school/classroom context...similar sentiments were expressed...

i used to like the subject xxxx, but now i hate/have a phobia for it....reason? grades....

Tr xxx is super because my grade was yyyy compared to zzzz under Tr www

In all cases, like of subject/teacher is all based on grades....whatever the subject, whatever the age of the student, from 11+ to uni students...

The only common element is, they are Singapore students.

how sad....

and when people blame system/teacher/subject, I dont quite understand either.

I like a subject because i like a subject. I like a teacher because of the quality of the teacher. And when i dont do well.... i know its the way i learnt it, and the effort, and my own lacking, since all things being equal, there are those who could and did do well....

Parents and students alike dont consider the issue of personal responsibility for one's learning. Of course, there is the issue of things beyond their control, that are imposed in by educational institutes....and that i do feel strongly ....

honestly, how many educators, in all their varied posts and roles, really, seriously do conscientious self-examination, of the true educational purpose of their pursuits/occupation? And the more i read, the more i see how ignorant many educators have been (including myself) , but at least, i listen, reconsider, and seek further....

nevertheless, if students and parents think liking a subject/teacher is directly proportional to high grades.... it is very very sad....

ok. this is a pause moment....its really a labour to get that article out....if i managed even to do so....

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

cognitive vs affective

This issue has been on my mind for very probably started more than ten years ago remotely, and have sharpened significantly over the past year...

i remembered dk once remarked to me, if a student needs a teacher in order to do well, the teacher has failed. ( or something to that effect).

i was duly offended. I was then the super teacher, who was the key factor to my students performance in math. Students tell me how much they need me especially when the exams got nearer etc etc etc....So, by dk's 'definition', i have failed. And i disagreed with his view strongly then.

one of my greatest strength, is, i value criticism, especially if it opens up perspectives entirely different from mine. And of cos, i value dk.

Those words remain in my mind for a long time, and i gradually see what he meant. Knowledge is objective. Thinking should be objective. And i now tell my students, if you can only do math because of me, then, i have failed.

What is cognition?

"Cognition is a term referring to the mental processes involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension, including thinking, knowing, remembering, judging and problem-solving."

Cant remember where i extracted this definition from, an internet source. I realised if i help students to develop their own mental processes, so that they can apply them independently and effectively, that is a greater job than being the 'reason' for their 'working hard', or their 'studying for me'. The first will abide. The second will not sustain, and i did see kids who scored well, by sheer 'affective' and dependence on teachers, falter when put to the test later on....

i also saw how unreliable 'popularity' rating is. But that i saw from the very start. I therefore am uncomfortable when students 'like' me as a teacher because i am 'nice'. 'nice' is a description of a person, not a description of the effectiveness of the transfer of knowledge, values or experience.

Results of course is never reliable, and whilst data tells something, what the something is, need to be very carefully analysed. A set of data showing good results doesnt mean anything, as it depends on a lot of factors. Similarly, a set of data showing abysmal results point also to a whole range of factors. And many of the factors are the result of earlier causes, which the present has to take responsibility for.

i note that there are so many comments about the teaching profession, especially those touted on mass media, and all focus on heartstring pull....the affective aspect. I am not for one moment saying that is not important. It is very important.

But it is an over-sell, leading to teachers being 'pre-occupied' with 'problems' , activities, events....and focusing on affective issues...

yet i still feel, the primary reason for students to be in school, is to develop their mind, and if possible, elevated to a noble platform, and with their mind, and heart, serve the society. It is the mind, ultimately, that, weighs both sides of issues, and sets the direction.

I fear the constant emphasis of 'caring', 'nurturing' without a corresponding hard work to engage the thought processes will have its due backlash in 'education' as it is already seen, if one wants to see....
of course the counter argument is the emphasis on results which is the key to the next phase of pursuit is ample evidence that cognitive aspect is very much valued in the education system.

My reply is, is it? Results, at all cost, is valued. Not sure about thinking processes.

I thought the foreign experts in transportation issues gave us a good slap in the face at the SMRT Inquiry, proposing remediation steps that is, 'common-sensical'.

Common-sense is a thought process, which most people know, is not common, at least not in many local context. I wont add further.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

More Readings...

Reading is really a luxury....its like opening the windows at diiferent parts of the house, and seeing the views changing, emerging, or differing in shades due to the different times of the days, or different times of the this case the window is the mind's eyes traversing the landscapes even if of the same topic, through the multi-faceted experiences of individuals.....

Yet not all readers receive the same gain. If you look out of the window, just to judge the weather, to decide to bring an umbrella or not, well, thats all you will see.... i think it was yesterday that sy posted a picture of the sky, and greeted, good morning! ....that actually struck me....he looked up, he saw the sky...he saw the boundlessness, the clarity, the blueness....he captured it...and he posted it to share it..... i didnt respond, but i felt that moment of being awed....and that liberty.....

yes, read a good book.... a collection of various thoughts and essays of various educationists on the Curriculum for the 21st century.... alot to glean, reflect.... i think of the many indeas and concepts that i still have not shared....if i was younger, such collaboration would have been very fulfilling....well, at least a few of my ideas did materialise....when i hear the kids 'comment' on the journals or put up their work...especially the book cover design, i feel gratified... 5 years running and the purpose is still served.... i do wish sometimes that i can reach to a wider learning community....

being fiercely competitive had put our small nation on the world's map....but a heavy price is paid for it.... the lack of collaboration, the lack of open-ness to discuss, to learn, and share, to evaluate with honesty, have really push us backward despite the "first world" status. And when 'opinions' are voiced, so much is 'personal in view', lacking an informed breadth and a true understanding of nurturing the education path of a child...and when such are at the helm, well, the form without substance cannot but be the result.

The heart of the process of education requires the teacher's insight and perception into the learning process and cognition of a child and the consequent mapping of the plan to enhance the child's growth. Especially more so in the age of technology, where knowledge per se, can be acquired virtually. Unless the teacher engages the learner's thought and heart, breathes life to inspire the child to want to learn, and have the discipline to learn, strengthening the moral and character fibre through the process; excites and invigorates the mind to explore, and create......otherwise classroom teaching may be relegated to an exchange akin to consumerism and no more.

Actually nothing irks me more than a teacher who says he/she does not like to read.

Sigh, thought i was planning for retiring out of the education landscape? I hope there will be a few young hearts that will be kindled for a brigher education vision.

To the young, i caution: never trust yourself, or your own experience as the one and only source. Open up your mind, take contradictions, oppositions and challenges , and have continual humility to learn...

The compulsive obsession (or obsessive compulsion, whichever is the case ) to quell individuality, originality, differences, diversity is the folly of the "intelligent". Strange, its this category of 'intelligence' that shows the most insecurity and feels the most ' threat' to their 'superiority' (or inferiority, again whichever is the case....).

And that disorder has been the cause of untold destruction in many realms....that which education fails to address in neglective to cultivate breadth and generiosity of mind and heart.....leads to ocd leadership in each arena.....

i digress....

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Monday, March 12, 2012

thoughts on a reading...

Just read a highly analytical and thoughtful paper written in 2006 on the curriculum landscape in spore. What struck me most was, that the many issues that had troubled me over the past 5 years, which i had raised again and again, had actually been foreseen and anticipated. Yet....

The consolation is, whilst i had thought, it was a 'personal discomfort', i now saw that persons far far more respected, erudite and perceptive had expressed more in depth issues and viewpoints, and in such an elegant and insightful inquiry.

Though there were like-minded that did agree with my concerns, most cited their lack of experience to see perspectives fully. To me, it was like 'emperor's best clothes'. It was obvious. But i realised, no one really bothers, so long as, no one is particularly affected (not life-and-death issue, so to speak); rocking the boat, and raising questions show one to be unco-operative; And after all, there are 'evident' results, or success, as it is 'termed'. The ends always justify the means.

And then again, like a kaleidoscope, depending on which angle the 'justifier' choose to level the argument, especially when placed on the security of a higher platform, ends and means are synonomous. I have noticed all too often, how things are applied/received/presented differently depending on which 'role' one assumes, to whom and from whom. So consistent are the inconsistencies that it is so predictable!

Honestly, if the points so pertinently raised in the article, and that 6 years ago, had been faced courageously, and leaders duly responded and actions taken in the right direction for true professional development, it would have led to a more robust educational environment in many institutions.

But I wont be surprised that the article is quite unknown to many 'experts' or 'leaders' in the field. And that because unfortunately, many 'leaders/experts in education" these days are people who loved to hear the sound of their own voice or who have escalated (not fast enough in their humble opinion) into roles far beyond their true calling in the vocation or their ability even in teaching itself. And these usually regard that as long as they 'deserve' their elevation to the said pedestal , their views are superior (founded or not/resesearched or not, is that important?).

And ignorance is bliss is to be embraced. First of all, as long as one's own terrain is well guarded, why seek in depth? Secondly, as long as one justifies oneself, (by pouring scorn on other academics) then, wherein lies any issue? Thirdly, if one has to show oneself to be well-read,, one should read books on how to be successful, or how to be a great leader, or a great somebody, or books that display ones intellectual prowess.... why read academic research papers (from which local persons?) which may be biased, especially if local.... (caveat: as long as it is not their own). Let sleeping dogs lie is quite a good advice to follow in such case.


For myself, I am glad to see how there are fellow citizens, of such strong repute and intellect that had put up papers to raise all the pertinent issues. I rest content. There are people that had the courage to study, analyse and had spoken. My respect to them.

And i keep thinking.... its probably good to start planning for retiring from the education landscape....

and no apologies for the could have been a quite few degree more acerbic....

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Monday, February 20, 2012




让人最心寒的是 ~ 表面谈教育,其实对培育理解浅浮,施舍精神更不用谈,欺人欺己的所谓教育者多的是。


有时候, 我真的觉得看不见的人是有福的。

好累。 或许真的应该退出江湖。

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

myriad of thoughts....

in some ways, today is the first easing-off day. By right it should have been yesterday. But the horrible pounding head made yesterday a total washout, and very unfruitful.

actually, i see and learn alot today. After invigilation, i got the opportunity to see some special learning programs and talk to a few people, and see things from different perspective. It added another dimension to me. I have always been conscious about the frog in the well analogy and had kept up with reading and thinking. But I realised sometimes seeing things first hand helps to broaden the scope. But most of all, its the enthusiasm of kids and of instructors that infuse the same kind of joy and excitement as I felt in classroom. Its such a joy to see kids learn, and through sound pedagogy.

someone wrote recently, there is no utopia in any place; but there is some utopia in every place. Alot of wisdom in these words.

On reflecting, these are my thoughts: Its not that when you see something works well, that can be translated or replicated. But one needs to appreciate what is positive. That five hours were really well spent. Still pondering the various viewpoints, particularly of one individual who is really an extraodinary math educator. Hope there may be yet opportunity for me to learn more from him.

I have to admit that which was quite inspiring was spoilt by that pop magazine from popular. Had gone there to get things that i promised kyc. Collected that in house magazine just on the way. When i got back and flipped through it, I was shocked to see the advertisements of so many tuition institutes. It took up 40 pages or more. And each purport to produce results backed by students testimony.

what kind of education landscape is this? If they are the reasons for students success (and i think some of their claims are true), then what is happening?

I suppose i should know. But in the past, there werent so many open advertisements. I thought when IP track was established, taking away one stage of exam, it would reduce reliance on tuition, and that would mean more focus on learning in school. But there were so many institutes that also came up with tuition for IP schools.

I am not against tuition. But it should only be a support for those who really need. Its the adviertisments tha troubled me. When such claims are made, what does it mean? Scoring 'A's is equivalent to education? I thought our society was moving towards higher values; to be more thinking. Whats this?

So I still live in my ideal dream. I remembered my teacher telling me, I was too idealistic, and will change when I grew up. Then when i grew up, my colleagues, my principal, my students said i was too idealistic. But cannot say I will change cos i still hadnt.

Its sad. But I wont change. At the height of 'hope', I did sometimes think there is a possibility of advocating for change.

But realistically, strength is ebbing. Actually i wanted to rest, but i have noticed some lapse is memory. I told myself, today is a meaningful day. I need to write, to keep record. Need to remember the positive. Am glad to have seen positive efforts by educators that care. What you cant change, dont bother. Keep ideals, and walk your own path.

will slow down....and do a myriad of different things....thankfully, they are there....will abide by time to decide on the final course.

blss kids had kept in touch. Each of the boys are going thru their rough ride in their different ways. It is quite a consolation that they regarded me as a mentor, for assurance. Of course they are no longer kids, should be 22 by now. It reminded me of the meaningfulness of that stint . That was 6 years back. My energy level is really not the same. It wont be so easy when i undertake the adjunct teaching in a similar sch environment as blss. Though it is not a long term commitment, I should want to see the kids thru their O levels. Its not without worry, but whenever i hear from blss kids, it is a motivation to walk ahead. This is my service learning. And I hope it will bear some fruit.

ls sister is critical. Last stage ca. And she is young. Who knows the number of one's days? its when one sees the reality of life, and the inevitableness thereof, one learns, see things in perspective and in proportion. Yes, we are all insignificant. Who remembers who has been, when who no longer be?

Am still a pelican in the wilderness....and no sparrow is watching.

The Lord alone is true. His mercies endureth forever.

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