Sunday, September 23, 2012

two new phrases

doing a little reading before bed...picked up two new phrases worth remembering:

value congruence/incongruence: succinct phrase, i like this.

competency boundaries: unacknowledged incompetencies is research malpractice...hmmmm....need to take note of this.


Sunday, August 19, 2012

more food for thought....

Entire ignorance is not so terrible or extreme an evil, and is far from being the greatest of all; too much cleverness and too much learning, accompanied with ill bringing-up, are far more fatal.


thousands and thousands of years ago, wise men had seen it all......and stated them down........but history repeats the fatality sinks deeper....


Food for thought....

" a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequals alike."


Found this, in the midst of all the ploughing for my for thought....


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

More Readings...

Reading is really a luxury....its like opening the windows at diiferent parts of the house, and seeing the views changing, emerging, or differing in shades due to the different times of the days, or different times of the this case the window is the mind's eyes traversing the landscapes even if of the same topic, through the multi-faceted experiences of individuals.....

Yet not all readers receive the same gain. If you look out of the window, just to judge the weather, to decide to bring an umbrella or not, well, thats all you will see.... i think it was yesterday that sy posted a picture of the sky, and greeted, good morning! ....that actually struck me....he looked up, he saw the sky...he saw the boundlessness, the clarity, the blueness....he captured it...and he posted it to share it..... i didnt respond, but i felt that moment of being awed....and that liberty.....

yes, read a good book.... a collection of various thoughts and essays of various educationists on the Curriculum for the 21st century.... alot to glean, reflect.... i think of the many indeas and concepts that i still have not shared....if i was younger, such collaboration would have been very fulfilling....well, at least a few of my ideas did materialise....when i hear the kids 'comment' on the journals or put up their work...especially the book cover design, i feel gratified... 5 years running and the purpose is still served.... i do wish sometimes that i can reach to a wider learning community....

being fiercely competitive had put our small nation on the world's map....but a heavy price is paid for it.... the lack of collaboration, the lack of open-ness to discuss, to learn, and share, to evaluate with honesty, have really push us backward despite the "first world" status. And when 'opinions' are voiced, so much is 'personal in view', lacking an informed breadth and a true understanding of nurturing the education path of a child...and when such are at the helm, well, the form without substance cannot but be the result.

The heart of the process of education requires the teacher's insight and perception into the learning process and cognition of a child and the consequent mapping of the plan to enhance the child's growth. Especially more so in the age of technology, where knowledge per se, can be acquired virtually. Unless the teacher engages the learner's thought and heart, breathes life to inspire the child to want to learn, and have the discipline to learn, strengthening the moral and character fibre through the process; excites and invigorates the mind to explore, and create......otherwise classroom teaching may be relegated to an exchange akin to consumerism and no more.

Actually nothing irks me more than a teacher who says he/she does not like to read.

Sigh, thought i was planning for retiring out of the education landscape? I hope there will be a few young hearts that will be kindled for a brigher education vision.

To the young, i caution: never trust yourself, or your own experience as the one and only source. Open up your mind, take contradictions, oppositions and challenges , and have continual humility to learn...

The compulsive obsession (or obsessive compulsion, whichever is the case ) to quell individuality, originality, differences, diversity is the folly of the "intelligent". Strange, its this category of 'intelligence' that shows the most insecurity and feels the most ' threat' to their 'superiority' (or inferiority, again whichever is the case....).

And that disorder has been the cause of untold destruction in many realms....that which education fails to address in neglective to cultivate breadth and generiosity of mind and heart.....leads to ocd leadership in each arena.....

i digress....

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Monday, March 12, 2012

thoughts on a reading...

Just read a highly analytical and thoughtful paper written in 2006 on the curriculum landscape in spore. What struck me most was, that the many issues that had troubled me over the past 5 years, which i had raised again and again, had actually been foreseen and anticipated. Yet....

The consolation is, whilst i had thought, it was a 'personal discomfort', i now saw that persons far far more respected, erudite and perceptive had expressed more in depth issues and viewpoints, and in such an elegant and insightful inquiry.

Though there were like-minded that did agree with my concerns, most cited their lack of experience to see perspectives fully. To me, it was like 'emperor's best clothes'. It was obvious. But i realised, no one really bothers, so long as, no one is particularly affected (not life-and-death issue, so to speak); rocking the boat, and raising questions show one to be unco-operative; And after all, there are 'evident' results, or success, as it is 'termed'. The ends always justify the means.

And then again, like a kaleidoscope, depending on which angle the 'justifier' choose to level the argument, especially when placed on the security of a higher platform, ends and means are synonomous. I have noticed all too often, how things are applied/received/presented differently depending on which 'role' one assumes, to whom and from whom. So consistent are the inconsistencies that it is so predictable!

Honestly, if the points so pertinently raised in the article, and that 6 years ago, had been faced courageously, and leaders duly responded and actions taken in the right direction for true professional development, it would have led to a more robust educational environment in many institutions.

But I wont be surprised that the article is quite unknown to many 'experts' or 'leaders' in the field. And that because unfortunately, many 'leaders/experts in education" these days are people who loved to hear the sound of their own voice or who have escalated (not fast enough in their humble opinion) into roles far beyond their true calling in the vocation or their ability even in teaching itself. And these usually regard that as long as they 'deserve' their elevation to the said pedestal , their views are superior (founded or not/resesearched or not, is that important?).

And ignorance is bliss is to be embraced. First of all, as long as one's own terrain is well guarded, why seek in depth? Secondly, as long as one justifies oneself, (by pouring scorn on other academics) then, wherein lies any issue? Thirdly, if one has to show oneself to be well-read,, one should read books on how to be successful, or how to be a great leader, or a great somebody, or books that display ones intellectual prowess.... why read academic research papers (from which local persons?) which may be biased, especially if local.... (caveat: as long as it is not their own). Let sleeping dogs lie is quite a good advice to follow in such case.


For myself, I am glad to see how there are fellow citizens, of such strong repute and intellect that had put up papers to raise all the pertinent issues. I rest content. There are people that had the courage to study, analyse and had spoken. My respect to them.

And i keep thinking.... its probably good to start planning for retiring from the education landscape....

and no apologies for the could have been a quite few degree more acerbic....

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Monday, March 5, 2012


was not particularly thinking of writing.... tired, and yes, worried... but if i dont, i wont be able to re-trace some thread of thoughts....

Got T n B each a 'bed', and they liked them. :) Especially tiger...will update about pussies another day...

attended piano emsemble last nite at yst put up by nus students/alumnus cos pl's daughter cw is performing. Enjoyed it more than expected. Duets are always interesting. i really wished i could be an accomplished pianist. Altho i am still keeping up with lessons, and surprisingly, despite not practising at all, sight reading has improved. I know my own limitations. I am too self-aware and lacked that focus and concentration to 'perform' well. But in my limited capacity, i am still learning and pushing boundaries...

cw's wedding will be on my bday this year.... seeing her growth over 18 years, I am happy, very, for pl....

brought ls and ky along....sometimes, i dont know what else to do to stand by both....and i am tired also... and its going to be tough for ls... the Lord grant us mercies to persevere and trust in the days of our sojourning....


being at nus also brought back a lot of memories of the phase at nus.... a phase i dont say much many ways, it was then, that i developed and knew my strengths.... and weaknesses....the saddest thing is, i didnt developed much intellectually, which should have been the purpose of being at uni.... although it was here that i first met people that communicate at a much higher level, that i had learnt from...

and yes, it brought back memories....

actually i was too considerate for others....had i not been.... things could have been very different....but then, would that have been 'me'?

actually that song by John denver "perhaps love" came from this period.....


monday is the least liked day.... but i remembered a maxim someone said to me, try to like the things you have to do... and if u cant, do it efficiently, to finish it.... so well, i am trying...and it wasnt too bad i guess...

its adjusting 'expectations' also....

have been reading a couple of books wrt research, and have been quite struck by the thorough and professional frame of thought. One of the authors had lectured at Harvard. Truly, they are in a class of their own: their attitude, thought, approach showed up the many flaws in our 'educational development' ~ note i use the pronoun 'our'.... it showed up my attitude, thought, and approach....

it taught me many things.... to have a higher frame of mentality; to seek for thoroughness, cohesiveness, and depth; to keep memos to trace chain of thought and development; to set a standard for oneself, regardless of external requirement.

And there were so many helpful illustrations and guidance for each phase...

now i am thankful for the hitches.... it allows me to re-think, re-conceptualise, and also make me want to do it better, and not be confined to 'meeting timeframe' mentality.

At first, i was disappointed that i had not been guided in the process in this manner.... but on reflection, i am thankful to have discovered this way myself, and embarked on a discovery learning journey....

i love learning....and after a cycle of untold conflicts and turbulence, to take the path of learning purely for its own sake..... is a luxury.... and i want to value the journey for itself, not because of the destiniation...

Gerlynn has this on her blog, which i always thought was very meaningful...

"Happiness shouldn't be a destination in your life; it should be part of the journey of your life."

The same with learning.... and this memo is written to remind me of this...

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

...thinking about thinking...

My essay topic will be about thinking; thats my choice. ok, what about thinking? How do you define, distinguish between critical thinking, creative thinking, higher order thinking, problem solving? Are they the same? Ok think about it.

I read this article twice, and both times, the same passage struck me. I quote:

" Wisdom is the use of one's knowledge and skills for a common good, by balancing one's own with other people's and larger interests, over the long as well as short terms, through the infusion of positive ethical values. Wise people make an effort to understand other people's points of view and to take those points of view into account in their thinking (Sternberg, 2003).

When one observes failed leaders, one rarely find that they failed because they were stupid. More often, they fail because they are uncreative. But even more often, they fail because they are smart but unwise; in other words, they are foolish.

Failed leaders tend to show a cluster of fallacies in thinking. These fallacies include
(a) unrealistic optimism - the belief that just because they have an idea, it must be a good idea that will succeed on implementation;

(b) egocentrism - the belief that the world revolves round them;

(c) false omniscience - the belief that they know it all;

(d) false omnipotence - the illusion that they are all powerful;

(e) false invulnerability - the belief that they, like Superman cannot be harmed (except, perhaps, by the elusive kryptonite bullet); and

(f) ethical disengagement- the belief that ethics are important for other people but not for themselves.

excerpt from "From Intelligence to Leadership: A Brief Intellectual Autobiography" Robert J. Sternberg, Gifted Child Quarterly 2011, 55, 309-312

My thoughts to the above:

(a) amazing that the characteristics should be so universal.
(b) would any of such leaders know/believe they are 'failed'?
(c) for those who would be leaders, do take note that these observations are real. If you really aspire to be a leader, you would need to consider the antithesis of the above of what would make a wise and good leader. And live them. Not study as a theory.
(d) and if you dont have what it takes, dont be a leader, and cause misery to others.

Like it or not, leadership and intelligence (not the lack of it) are closely correlated. The above is couched in a rather polite theory of fallacies. If one wants to be blunt, one can reduce each of the above belief to adjectival characteristics. I am tempted to turn the above into a 'calling a spade a spade' vocabulary exercise just for entertainment.

But I digress...i have to get my essay out......

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