Friday, June 27, 2014



每个星期二和s1在sk家共晚餐,其实有时候真的不太自然。但为了保持表面的亲情,我还是义务的保持每个星期的约会。但是,有时真的好勉强。其实,除了表面的话题 ,有时,根本没话题。大家坐在电视前,渡过一个钟头多,就各自回家。我也习惯过这样的日子,是很孤单,但好过生活在情绪不稳的气氛。表面潇洒,为他人着想的日子真的很累。


戏剧里,一段对白,好深刻: 很多时候,我们以为我们了解,其实,是用自己的镜子,自己的制度,来衡量对方,自以为了解。自己没经历过,是很难了解别人的深痛。人往往看到表面的反应,就作判断。看不到的,是内心累积的伤痕。就是从同一个家庭出世,经历并不一定一样。



还好,戏剧是美满的结局。就算是戏剧,也希望 为别人找到的温暖和幸福欣慰。我不会抓紧心结,来折磨自己。我会学会放下。不好的回忆,也不会牢记。应学会放下。




Thursday, June 12, 2014


This word was in my mind for some time, and I think I had touch on it before. A spate of events has brought this word to the surface again.

The many unpleasant exchanges over cpf have been distasteful, to put it mildly. In a fb post, scy attributed the controversies to 'trust', or the lack thereof. That struck me. Yes, when the seed of doubt is sown, trust, if it was in the first place shallow, gets eroded and leads to unrestfulness, anxiety and a compulsion for action. Again, this is really an understatement of the vehement reaction.

Was I affected? To say I have blanket trust, no, I haven't. But to say I was shaken, no, I was not. Trust is built when one delivers according to one's word. Over the decades, there had been speculations and ominous whispering of the same nature except, not so explicit, and not so loud. But I never doubted, because the present government had always delivered in this aspect. No one had failed to draw out when the stipulated time to do so arrived. Whatever my personal disagreements over policies, including the use of cpf when one is in dire straits (as I had when dad had stroke) I have always been thankful for cpf. Without the compulsion to save, I think I would be much much poorer. True, I had to work alot harder, and tighten my belt very badly, but I got through. The obligations to provide for others (and how much provision is enough?) would have drained all that I had, if cpf did not protect me, in a way that I could not and would not have protected myself. The guilt of never doing enough, of the plight of others would not have allowed me to save at such a level. Cpf benefits those who are responsible, more than those who are not. And I can name with ease quite a few that I know would have squandered off the cpf savings in no time. And who have to bear the weight for their endless needs and grouses? Yes, cpf protects the responsible, the dutiful.

I did not bother to read the defamatory article. I saw it before it was raised at the legal level and after it attain to 'fame', all the more i didn't bother. One look at the headlines and I think I can have better use of my time. There were other issues that were raised subsequently pointing to other facets of the argument by others that did set me thinking. The many postulation of what-if..... and the insinuations.... for a few moments, I did consider those arguments.

My conclusion is, if trust were betrayed, then really that would also be the end of the country. There has to be some trust. And trust must be valued against what had and has been. When I weigh against the multitude of realities, I choose to rest the case in my mind. People who can conjure complicated and convoluted schemes to depict a different reality, must be as complicated and convoluted as the schemes they attribute to others.

I may have deep misgivings over many policies, but in areas where trust is warranted, I wont budge.

So what is trust?

It is not a one party affair, as in the party that calls for trust is the single element that has to proved itself trustworthy. Apart from the party on whom trust is vested, the other party, i.e. the person who bestow the trust (or not bestow the trust) is equally important. The state of the person, and the experiences he/she encountered that allow/disallow him/ her to trust.

A child is trusting. He believes in all things (almost) good. He doesn't believe he will be harmed. In like manner, the young, the old and the naive are the same and sadly, often the targets of scams. So trust needs discernment.

There are those that because of their role and relations, we trust. And when there is betrayal of trust, the scar is permanent. Its one thing to be scammed by outsiders, its totally another thing to have trust manipulated for one's gain. Irreparable.

When there is distrust in any relationship/friendship, I guess it can never go beyond a certain point, especially if it is a relation that is really not a choice, but due to status. 

The lack of trust is often played upon by manipulators. So deep is the innate need in each being to trust another, that when that trust is shaken, one feels insecure, betrayed, the fear of being hurt, and anger stirred because of the hurt can cause anarchy. When one sees the 'political' game, and the voices of speculators playing on the fears of others, it is really sad. Frankly, despicable. Because alot can be lost. 

It takes a long time to build. It takes a moment to destroy. And some destruction can be devastating. 

The reasons why people can be swayed are often the same reasons why people (especially in Singapore) like to complain. I have wanted to write on this, from the many observations. Will do so, another time.

What is needed is self awareness. Aware of your own limits, your own weakness, your own fears, your own inhibitions. Aware of how one's own vulnerabilities help one to take steps to protect. Constant exercise of the mind, consider, read, inquire in a non-reactionary manner will sharpen one's judgement. 

A chain is as strong as its weakest link. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Its really time to pause. In many ways, I am too tired. Age, unwellness, frustration, ebbing all adds up.

Over the last 3 months or so, I have written 7 "not to be posted" post. Glad I did that. It helped me traced the paths of my thoughts. Every crash, every impending crash is always dreaded. I hope it can yet be averted.

I must keep my sight on silver linings....

A few days ago, for the first time in my life, I saw a rainbow as I drove . It is comforting.

zl's message last week that he managed to graduate with a second upper is good news. It has been rough for him, and getting there was tough. I only hope, he will keep a steady course.

Meeting jinling last week also meant a lot to me. We tell people we were primary school best friends. And indeed we were though really we couldn't be more different. But I realised we have something in common....our perception of the needs of others....especially the students. This is the first time I realised why that chord was special despite the fact that now we probably don't have that much to say. Especially me.

The last two weeks have been a time of catching up with people I didn't see over the last four months. It was a good gathering at rc's place and the bond with vl and his family remains special; the tea catchup with ht and cl; and there are many others yet to meet....the constancy of friendship with ld, pc, kyc, ws, dc, thc, oh, el, kuech, cl, mag, tk. Silver linings indeed.

Two mornings ago, I was woken up by a fb message. And really it brought a lot of comfort to me. It was from sp, telling me of his voluntary work with the TWC, (Transient workers count). He told me because he remembered in our last conversation, I had talked about it. I cant say how much this message means to me. sp is a very low profile quiet chap, and does things with thought and sincerity. He is not one that follows the crowd and not for his own gain. I didn't expect him to help there. He has latent strength of character. A great consolation to me.

J, K and ck visited separately now that it is vacation. I don't know if this will continue once they graduate and get caught with the whirlwind of work etc etc. ck has had a taste of it the last four months. Its not so usual for him to visit in mid year. I felt he was honest, acknowledging that he felt he had lost direction and need to pause and think. Sometimes I don't know how to help. He knew what I would say to many of his thoughts, and it goes against the grain. I realised sometimes its by just holding on to your own values and being constant (or as constant as possible) that is what the young needs in a time where few know what is values.

In this, I have to say, my deep disappointment in my own country, the education system that is part of the instrument for moulding materialism, and a gains mentality.  Actually, sometimes, my heart grieves at the insidious damage done to young people. Our present society, the way they react to things around them are all evidenced of a failed system of pseudo education. Yes, I lament. Lament deeply.

ck asked me what is ahead for me. I said to him, I would probably just find things to do to past time. He didn't quite understand, and felt I should have a goal. I told him, I am waiting for the end. He didn't get it. I had to be explicit, I have done all I need to do. Its really waiting for the end of the road. K understood. And J understood. Actually J has been quite good. After the initial impact, he saw what I meant, and was supportive, and was willing to accompany me to complete a few more tasks to tie up things neatly. Hopefully by these few weeks. Yes, these three have been a comfort and consolation to me....

I know its not going to be easy either.....although I have come to this point a few times, I always intended to return somehow to teaching on some form....this time, I intend this to be final. What then after, well, I guess its not important. But still the same: A little good for a little someone.

The batch this year is probably my last lot of school kids. I wish, I really wish there would be a few that I can make a difference.....yes, this pause at this time, is as much for them....pause, and to renew strength for the remaining months.

I wonder sometimes are my ideals a delusion? An illusion? If I was young, and I had the energy....I am not and I don't have. Its probably time to turn my back to all these transience.


The Lord alone is good and his mercies endureth forever.

The Lord grant me strength to endure and press on to the end.

I feel better when as I write. Keeping my eyes on the rainbow, on the silver linings...

And lifting up my eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD that made heaven and earth.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014



人在每一个阶段似乎经历一层层的转变,到底哪一层是真正的自己,有时自己也辨不出。这几年,我发觉自己越来越偏向中华的领域。所听的歌,所看的戏剧都是华语或粤语。连音乐乐器,也比较喜欢华乐乐器。我也不知为什么, 只知道华文对我一向很重要。家中,只有爸和我,阅读华文书籍,写感想,但我们之间却是以英语沟通。爸也不知道我其实这么爱好华文。对他,我的华文水准太低了。

ls 也注意到,自从搬到这里,我似乎更倾向华界。ls与 ky 都不 以华文沟通,所以我们已有一些距离。但我仍然视她们如亲姐妹。



其实,我还是想在这方向多学习。教书时期,喜欢跟华文老师学习,她们都觉得我的华文根基还行。最高兴是跟李达,伟良和sean那段日子,我们时常以华文交流,无所不谈,渐渐建成很有意义的友谊。后来sean 回槟城,我,伟良,李达就如亲人。我也说不出原因,凡以华文结为朋友,都会有那莫名的默契和亲切感。可能,我在华界的认识不宽,所接触的,都相当单纯,朴实。可能,真实不是这样,可是,我选择逗留在自己单纯的梦村,允许我有这个空间吧!

自学生时代,已很久没写作文。再度写文章,就是在这博客,也真感谢鼓励我写作的学生,帮我设计这博客。我自己也没想到我 依然对华文的热爱没减弱,还想要更深入的掌握语法、词汇、文化。

去年,好像六月吧,偶然认识梁文福。是的,之前,我并不认识这名字,因为有一段相当久的时间,我甚少接触华文歌曲和读物。当时,在面部看到他写的文章,有许多感触。就这样从网络认识他的作品、他的歌曲。我很想翻译他的文章。对于他笔下的歌曲,沟起太多太多的感触和感慨,可让我写好几篇的感想。尤其是他写到我所认识的新加坡的境目。在一首歌里,他写到: 我们曾经一无所有过。现今的新加坡人,很少能体会这句话的情景。


还是春秋经过我 ”
记得我十三岁那年,一位辅导师的修女,问我,what is life doing to you? or what are you doing to life? 当时我没答,但却牢牢记住这疑问。是生活控制我,没选择的为活而活,还是我掌握着生命,而积极的克服、过活?
虽然我一向多愁善感,却不等于没奋斗精神。 以前的我,路多艰难,都不低头,很坚决的相信,路是人走出来的。也凭这一句,穿过黑暗的深渊,心灵伤痕鳞鳞。
但是,的确是很累,很累。精力消耗,也没怨言。还有两三件事还未办妥,这两个星期内,应该完成,我就把一切交代清楚。剩下,只是等待, 等待末端,等待主带领我 离世。
