Yesterday, I heard someone spoke with convictions of the heart. Powerful. Provokes thought. Almost inspire vision.
Today, lost in maze of thought (Unfortunately not triggered by randomness):
Of predator and prey; of scam and victim; of fraud and folly; of cult, power and systems; of obsessive compulsions and fixations; of personalities and forcefulness; of environment induced frame; of frustrations and resignation;
"Why?" resounds within. Why?
Everyone must be accountable and responsible for their own decisions. Even when traps are set for them to walk therein. This is life. But to invite traps is the height of folly.
Why is the wise sadder than the fool? How long will the fool trust in folly?
Non-materialism should not make one a fool. Kindness to scums is a crime.
Example is better than precept, is only for the thoughtful.
Exhausted. Mentally.
And Brownee has blood in her pee. She has been moping and whimpering. Monitoring her for now. Reminded of the transcience of life. However long or short they are with me, I have provided the best for them. I hope they keep me company for a longer time, if God wills. I will not have other cats. What is special can never be replaced.
I would wish for eventless life. Monotonous placidity. Or just rest.
Tired. Very tired. I wish for the balm of kindness, if just to listen to silence.