8 Feb

This date struck a strong chord in my soul...
When I saw sk just now, she was quite happy. There had been some rows at home the past days, so I am glad things are better. I didnt ask her if she remembered. I dont think she did, and I dont want to remind her. She was more concern with getting me to see the doc.
She was never good at remembering dates of this nature. Dad's 15 jan has come and passed. I hadnt made the trip yet to mandai. i will, when i feel better. I had intended to see everyone today, but didnt have the energy, both mental and physical to face things.
A year. Sigh!
Finally, really feel ill. Came back and slept. Thankfully, I started on my own medication earlier before finally seeing the doc this evening. Cant say i like the doc. Apparently there is this new liquid antibiotics that is supposed to last 7 days(?!).
What I didnt like was to be taken by surprise to take the medication immediately at the clinic. The clinice nurse thought she knew alot, the way she told me what to do. He had said my bronchial was quite bad. Honestly, I had been much worse, so this is not that bad. I like to check up my medicine before taking them. True, western medicine appears to be more effective, but at a price. With ventolin, steriod, strong antibiotics, what natural recovery can I make? But I guess its my fault that I could not fight off the infection.
I guess nothing feels right when your system is down. The only silver lining of the day was the unexpected arrival of fujitsu tablet! :D
Yes, I got a new one, and my first tablet! Well, I was not decisive about getting it due to many factors, so i was quite grateful to the friend that had got it earlier, configured it, and passed it on to me first as I would need one with the start of nie. Didnt expect it at all to come today, and it was a most welcome arrival. And distraction from the sadness of this day.
Yes, i am using my new toy to type this posting. And if i was asked what i like best of it, i would say it is the picture on the desktop (above). The rays of dawn give hope. The reflections in the waters magnify it. When I saw it, my spirit feels uplifted, especially when I had felt downcast.
Of couse it is quite a thrill to have a tablet. I was supposed to be provided since dont know when. Never mind, not important. I have my own, and it is a new model! Yes! I am much more knowledgeable about broadband, cable, modem, wireless router and can distinguish them! Thanks to those who patiently bore with my dumbness with repeated explanation! I am making progress, and am proud of myself!
Its nice to be sick and yet happy!
8 Feb or otherwise, mum remains in our hearts.
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