June 2016
Its the last day of June and I do want to have at least a monthly record. It isn't that I hadnt written, its just that I hadnt posted. Given that many things are still iffy, I have chosen not to post as yet.
In many ways, this has been an eventful meaningful month, and in some ways, the best month, though in others, not. The meaningfulness would always come from meeting kids. In this respect, I have met many kids this month, around 30 at least, and that is most gratifying. Same message as always: don't live self-absorbed life. Remember to contribute back to the community. Remember the less privileged. Remember to serve. How I wish, I really wish, this will be ingrained in their lives, to live a life of integrity, and to always have the noblesse oblige heart. Seeing the kids grow and seeing them well really lit up my life! I actually wanted to write a post just about 403's visit. But time and energy constrain me for the moment. Will write someday. It was a very good visit, and I was really very very happy to see them!
Whatever the other issues that are likely to dominate the months ahead, well, face it as it comes. The other silver lining is S1's eye injection taken on 24 May has worked. Took her to Dr Billy Tan, who checked and told us that the bleeding has stopped, and that there would probably be just a couple of injections to seal the treatment. I really hope so. Tomorrow is the next injection....I am very thankful that she has some sight preserved.
Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. For the moment, I am content within my heart and mind. And that I think is a blessed state indeed. End June 2016.