Wednesday, October 31, 2012

silver linings...

in the midst of maze, look beyond the mist, and see every silver linings....

over these past 2-3 weeks, at different time, the kids wrote. Each time, getting the notes/cards even today, it adds quiet joy.

Today, when the final math paper started, i was surprised to receive a card with sincere words of thanks from 7 teachers. And tokens from two of them. And some of us took breakfast together and had a good chat. I was gratified.

I am acutely aware of days catching up, and diminishing energy. I really want to pass on the craft of teaching. If I can but kindle 2 to 3 teachers who can pass on to other teachers, it would do more. than i can on my own......but where are the avenues? i dont want to do it through the 'academic" way, or via 'workshops'/'conferences'. I know the only way is to work amongst them, and set the example. Example is better than precepts. 

For whatever that had not gone right this year, at least in this respect, I was able to fulfil what i wanted. I dont know how it would be seen or received. I only know always to uphold the mantra 'Simple in virtue, Steadfast in Duty'  and to do my best for the kids each day.

Honestly, i totally didnt expect the show of comradeship today.  It warms the heart and made the departure pleasant...of a sense of having done the duty of the day...of the year.

i know myself well, and know its necessary to keep myself 'occupied', so i arranged to see kyc whom i have not seen for a long time. honestly, i almost thought of calling it off, as the spiral creeps in. But she had text to say she was looking forward to it....

it was a lovely catchup, a chat we hadnt had for a long long time. whilst getting lunch to her place, when i parked my car at the carpark, it brought back memories of one of my chats with her at exactly the same place, some 4 years ago. It was a very low period then, and though she didnt understand the depth i was in then, the sweetness and kindness she showed, just by being a person who care, brought alot of warmth. And i remembered she text me thereafter. Her sweet messages i kept for many months to tide through the billows then.

Since she is a mother of one, we hadnt had much time to talk. And with two more to come soon, she will be having more than a handful to manage. It was good to meet up, and really in essence, the bond remains sweet. It is really such a pleasure to have such friendship.

Then as always, my faithful friend ld. So thankful he has finally seen the end of his masters. It has been a rough road for him. This has been another very lovely bond. Not one that I had expected it at the start, since I started out mentoring him to teach. i have noted that most young people who proclaim to want to learn, never last long in their frame of learning. I have also learnt to have no expectations. Those who want to learn, will learn.

But ld has shown himself to be very different, with an excellent spirt of learning, and most of all, his high sense of conscientiousness in his preparation, in teaching, in integrity, whatever the adversities.

I thought to myself, as I drove back, I had in jest  claimed to 'adopt' both kyc and ld some years ago, and we were known at one time as the 'family of mother and children'. Meeting both of them today brought back many happy moments. It has truly been a meaningful bond.

kuech text me asking me some weeks ago when i will join her for walks again. I appreciate that. ....Have arranged for it tomorrow. I know she and cl are also concern that i should have some foothold....we are not close, but i know they care...

Every sincere touch of friendship from genuine hearts is warm....

listening to a duet now. the rendering of an oldie by steven ma and albert au 沉默是金.....i like duets.... in songs, in music playing.....

Good duets allow each vocals to show their distinctness, yet not overshadowing the other...contrasting and harmonising through the can almost feel the bond....true friendship is like doing a good duet....just like this favorite.

its strange, of all the languages, i like cantonese songs best Same with shows. I realised my childhood impacted me very deeply.... Cantonese is really a beautiful dialect, witty and intelligent, and depth in expressions. actually its really strange cos, i learnt cantones through the tv shows when i was a child. Its not my dialect at all. The speak mandarin campaign eradicated dialects, and few there be that know dialects now. I am glad to be able to retrace the language that i love....and quiet pieces by these 2 exceptional (to me) singers.

thus end 30 october 2012 

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