Monday, February 27, 2012


today can be described as a day where alot of things went wrong...

firstly, i hate monday schedule. that itself can start off a headache, which it did. Despite being earlier than usual, traffic jam was bad, and it took one hour, which really was irritating.

Then this is the day that i have to drive various expressways to reach another destination in the afternoon. I REALLY hate that. I need to do this another seven times, and i am counting down. I dont like this 'assignment' and wont go into the long story how i ended up with it. Then i waited, and waited, and there were unusually no kids. Then i checked. Sigh... no class today. So wasted trip.

Then when i finally got back, and was parking (which should be the safest place), someone backed into my car! And he was prepared to blame me. I have realised that it is important to be firm in traffic 'accidents'. I told him how could i be 'wrong' when i was the car in front of him, and was getting into my slot, that he should try be trying to park at the same time? Then he said, we are neighbours, lets settle peaceably, which i did. Which is each party looked after their own 'injury'. I really dont like squabbling. sigh.

Then my laptop caught 'virus'. dont ask me how it happened but it did. i should be thankful to have 'consultancy' service, and thankfully, it recovered, and dont seem to suffer noticeable loss.

so really it was a harrowing day.


But despite all these bumps, i am quite happy. Reason?

The lesson that i had dreaded over the past few days turned out to be much better, more than i dare expect. There was a change, a deliberate effort, and though it is really an effort for them to focus, the attempt was there, and to be pleasant and cooperative. I was prepared for the worse, and was really really glad and relieved especially the turn around of a couple of them which i totally didnt expect.

I am thankful... and yes, it is encouraging. Very. i have been wondering, perhaps i was being a fool to be so idealistic, to believe one can really do something to i was happy that it is worthwhile after all.

I dont expect them to be able to keep up the 'attention'.... Just trying, and wanting to show that they are trying in good enough for me.

Hence, little can upset me today. I really am happy and contented today. :) This is recorded to keep up my flagging spirit!

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