Wednesday, February 15, 2012


whilst i remember, i want to record this - the importance of having someone to 'spar with'.

had to meet someone for discussion over something today, not that i was prepared for it. It wasnt long, but it left a few thoughts in my mind.

i realised it had been very good for me, that i always had people that would 'pick my fault'. That had helped me immensely in many, many ways. It also sharpened my understanding and perceptions. I always listen to criticism, no matter how it hurts. Not that i have much choice especially when i was young.

i felt had the person had my 'opportunities', how much more enhanced he/she would have been. It is never good to be on a platform of your own, with territorial boundaries, self-assured and contained. And that mode would in turn mould one's mentality into a fixed, if not, fixated frame. a sort of cocoon basically for self-preservation.

Experience is a double-edged sword. And when one limits one's own, and limit TO one's own (ie assuming one's propositiion/reason is right/superior), well, one cant be sure if that is 'experience'....a pity...its a pity because there is quality there...but the lack of enlargement, the lack of opportunities in having someone to 'spar with' led to so much limitations, if not some detriment.
had the weekly chat with ld , and that is always refreshing and something to learn... again my good 'fortune' to have a few such like friends dc, vl, sy... who both think and read; and love math, and the teaching of it, seeing things from different perspectives... friendly sparring mates...

iron sharpeneth iron....

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