Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A bond is a bond...

yes, i wrote using the same heading 6 months ago. http://reflections-ssh.blogspot.sg/2013/10/a-bond-is-bond.html

and for the same reason, I am writing now. Exactly 6 months....I wonder if tch planned it....and yes, like before, I am touched.

and all he wanted to know was whether I am happy and well, and that is enough. I felt bad not visiting Ah Kor, and really had intended to, and should be doing so in June. But that was never his concern. Genuinely reflected. And the constant reminder to just be happy.

Honestly, if I have to think of family member in the true sense of what it should be, I think of tch. I know if I had allowed, he will be to me all that a brother would do. I didn't allow. Everyone must bear their own burden. But, my heart is grateful and touched, as I am, in every contact, since the passing of mum.


actually, it had been a tough period over the last 2 to 3 months. I have learnt to write 'Not to be posted post' and there were about 6 of them. And just when things seemed better, I guess health had taken some knocks, and some old issue recur.

I am waiting to end this final teaching assignment by october. Yes. Final. I love the kids. Teaching is still in my blood. But this will be my swansong.

Once I really decide to put this phase behind, I just need to keep occupied till the day of redemption from this earthiness.
Not that I am bitter or sad. I recognised that whatever the troughs and valleys of the past, I have really a lot to be thankful for. And though 'family' is still in reality a name that cant take any weight, I have very very good worthy friends. tch call reminds me how much I owe him, a real brother to me. I must make effort to keep more in touch.

Had been too busy and had to turn down meet ups. There is kuech, cl from school days, and yes, tk. There is dear el where every meet is a joy. There are my dear friends from nushs. And my many many kids. Sometimes, in a fb post, I am actually happy when kids from 6 different schools like my post.

From a certain quarter, there is a kind of vacuum. But, the kind communication that come from nz and uk is appreciated.

On record, I still have to say this. Two persons from this phase that is really my life, who walked with me, one from 13, the other from 19....when, when, when will we reconcile? Surely, surely, surely, a bond is a bond. Surely the unspoiltness, the spontaneity, the true friendship, and true care in the faith should not be buried, and never recovered till time is no more? This remains a grief to me....yes, my deepest grief....but life goes on.

A bond is a bond.


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