Monday, March 23, 2015

The passing of our founding leader.....

Death has a way of hitting the inner chords in its reality. Fb brought home the news. I had checked till past midnight before bed.

For whatever one may disagree with the policies he laid, one cannot but acknowledge that this level of comfort, this level of attainment, this level of lifting from where we had been half a century ago, is very much to the credit of the vision, forcefulness, determination and leadership of this one man. Yes, he did have a team of incredibly dedicated leaders, some who are brilliant strategists, whom we owe to.....I still remembered Mr Goh Keng Swee passing in May 2010....I was actually sad that the school did not have any public announcement nor acknowledge to the present generation how much we had owed to this man. And somehow it didn't seem right to me. That was when I saw, how little people think. How much is taken for granted. Even 'leaders'.

This time would be different. And rightly so. I grew up with his leadership. Leadership seems an understatement for a man of such force. I learnt from young, work hard, no one owes you a living. I worked hard and it was so. I have alot to be thankful for. I will never forget the first National day parade that I saw on black and white TV.  I must be about 10 or 11. I remembered the tears that welled in my eyes. We will make it. We must make it. We are together in it. So for my growing years, National Day parade was very important to me. I believe it is a way of holding out war. I was always acutely aware of things around me, especially through 1970s. I remembered the oil weapon, the pullout of the British army, the economic recessions....all our vulnerabilities as a very small country.

As I grew up, I agreed and disagreed. At some point, disagreed strongly. Not that it matters. I am after all, just an insignificant being. Its pure speculation what we could have been without him.

I wasn't quite sure how my reaction would be although I knew it was imminent. As the days went passed in the past week, I was more certain. And this morning, knowing it, yes, I mourn the passing of the founder of the independent Singapore. I always believe in nation before family. And God before nation.

Today is a sad day. I hope PM Lee holds out. Double duty as the son to such a towering figure that leaves a mark in history. And as the present leader to continue on the legacy of his father. Not made easier in his recent illness. My heart goes out to him, and his family.

This post is a mark of respect for the man that had granted me a safe country to grow and live in, that had steered Singapore to where she is today. Yes, it is a time of national bereavement. I am part of this nation. I had told my students, I will never migrate. I never considered it and never will.  However green the pastures else where. Whatever the circumstance. I am born in this land. I belong to this place. I love my country. And I feel the grief of bereavement of this man, the icon of this country, to whom we owe, to a great degree, our present stability and welfare.


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