And december ends....and 2014.
In 15 minutes, the year 2014 will come to a close. I cannot end the year without coming here, my faithful companion for the last 5 years and more.
yes, i completed my mission, and finally I submitted on 30 dec. I was not elated, relieved, yes, a little. But, i have to admit I was more concern with the reaction had been a tough period, sleep, headaches, and disturbing dreams, very disturbing. Thankfully, by the mercies of the Lord, I was sustained, and the spiral did not go to the depths that it could, and I think, yes, I am picking up.
This is not a time for a long post, though there has been so much reflections. It is the time to take stock.
Actually, for me, 2014 is probably one of the best years. It started out very shakily, not helped by joining a new place with a system that I have difficulty adjusting, and that in turn, impacts health. I have learnt that it is important to know your own boundaries, and was decisive. And being so, ensured that things flowed relatively smoothly.
Highlight of the year has got to be the teaching stint. It made me very happy some of the times, and I really treasure that sense. It is a year that many things are cleared so that I enter into 2015, without any baggage. Starting music again is a positive move toward the next year. And swimming relatively ok now is another plus for the year, many thanks to K.
Its a year that I feel alot more warmth and support from many quarters. The last phase in particular, el, J and K really tide me through. I was really touched by el. I am really indebted to her kindness and sisterly love all these years. Am also quite glad to be able to be in better communication with G now that she is more accustomed to online means of contact. It has been a comfort, this source of contact.
ls is as always my very faithful friend and sister. it has been a rough year for ld, thankful that he has tide through it, and hoping it would be better for him, another faithful companion. Then there is cl and kuech. And the friendship of nushs people and ex students are always a comfort. Today is the 5th year that i meet with rc and company at the year end gathering. It is now customary to do so. I miss the kids that have left spore....but their place is always in the heart.
Really, its a year that i feel i reap alot, and settle alot, whatever the rough times. Perhaps family ties are more tenuous, but then, they never were strong. 'Ties' is probably more obligatory, and i am happier at that.
I can only say, i am grateful. Very grateful. And with most of the ends tied, i can finally say, yes, a little good to a little someone every day from now on. Just live meaningfully. No more baggages. I am truly thankful. Very very thankful.
Hence ends december 2014 and 2014 itself.
The Lord is good, and his mercies endureth forever.
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