Saturday, January 24, 2015

moving on...

Despite not having a 'working' schedule, most days are well filled. it was good to restart tcm courses. Particularly like the herbs module. But its going to be very tough. Really tough. The lapse of one year and the language issue are obstacles in itself. Still, its the benefit of learning itself. Frankly, except for their lack of scientific wonders, i think their diagnosis theory and observations makes alot more sense. The problem however is, how well one is grounded in the wisdom and knowledge. I dont think I would dare to embark on this path, fearing to do more harm than good. But I think, I would try on myself though. :) And Brownee has definitely come through the worse and is on the mend! So glad about it. It was really heart rending to see all the sore spots and her evident pain. I hope she would have some respite from these sores for sometime.

Time passed fast when one has to try to fit in exercises as well. Am picking up. Which is good. Bp has not reached usual levels, but at least it is trending downwards. Not swimming as much, but at least once, mostly twice a week. Managed to fit in a walk this week. Have also got into the habit of updating G regularly. Its nice that she takes such a genuine interest in little things many would not have. Its a deep comfort.

K has left for Denmark. I do miss him, but its good that he ventures out to his dreams. J has been sweet to assure me, he is still around. Have also caught up with ld and vl - they matter to me. Very much. Also met up with PL. The kindnesses I have received from each of them, I will always remember.

Each day, I am moving on. There are times, I feel renewed in strength. There are times, I feel strength has its limits. Whatever, each day has been well accounted for. May not have done all that could be done. But at least, it has not been as before, watching time slipped away and wondering why I did so.

I miss many kiddos. And follow them from afar. Honestly, i am thankful i am not in their shoes; sometimes following their conflicts, their uncertainties, their heartaches, remind me so much of my own. I hope each will find their direction....and much more than that. May they know the God that has saved me, who alone is the all wise God, and who alone saveth to the uttermost. May they come to the saving knowledge of God and rejoice in his salvation. This, I truly wish for all my kids.

And also for all my dear friends, whom I do owe so that it appears to be the end of the tunnel for me, all the more I am so grateful to each of them. Especially these last 7 years, without their warmth and kindness, I wont know where I would have been. And as much as I have received from them, I wish very much to return the much good I have received.


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