Tuesday, December 20, 2011

No Reflections....

i wonder if this reflection drought is due to the drying up of the brain; no event or mundaneness.

somehow i seemed very busy, but i didnt get alot of things done. So there is ALOT to do now. And i would need to complete them, as the year comes to a close soon. At the moment, i am just feeling placid. Good or bad i dont know.

To say, i wont miss being at nush (when 2012 steps in) would be impossible. But seriously, when i see the list of things that had to be done for the year ahead had i stayed, I must say, I am very glad, very very glad, not to be caught in the endless pile of things to do.

The kids started a facebook for me, becos I wanted to keep in touch with the other kids, actually this batch of year 3s. Year sixes and i have a bond that is just there. In a way, i wondered if i should have started it. i find facebook rather like a 'social gathering', and well, really, not me. But, it gives me a peek to know what the kids are doing, so, well, i guess, that serves its purpose. Here, i am myself.

On a positive note, i have been more observant of my diet. Ever since the kids came, I have made some attempt to have more home cooked meals, taking more salad and fruits. Partly also cos tk 'nags' in his way. That in itself can keep one rather busy, more marketing and shopping for groceries, preparation, and effort. Have also done more walks, including a 5 hour tree top walk on sat. Headaches did reduce significantly, just to about a third, which is good. And each week, there are different people to catch up, and again that is interesting.

there are people you enjoy the company, cant explain why. there are people who are really very nice, but somehow, you are glad the company is just one-off. again, cant explain why.

have also been seeing young people of different categories. i must say, i am glad, i am no longer young. i dont ever want to go thru the conflicts, decisions, considerations.... actually in overthinking, over-considering, i have made many unwise decisions. Met up with a young lady today, ex student. whilst i understood alot of what she was saying and could see where she could be heading, which is not what i would wish for her ~ wisdom avoids prescriptions, though, perspectives were given. I thought of the couple that dropped by 2 days ago, and we talked till 1am. You can only share, and hope each find their way to establish themselves, be happy, and in turn contribute for the generation after them.

Finally, as it always has been, somehow, it is always alone again. Naturally. Do I mind? Not really. I am content. I only want placidness. I dare not have more. It would mean more to lose.

I thought of that question that bernard asked that day.... i guess the answer would differ from time to time, from person to person, from circumstance to circumstance.

at the moment, i just feel quite dried up. And not particularly looking forward to the year ahead either. Still waiting for my results....



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