turning points....point of inflexion?

i am a die hard sentimentalist... so well there are alot alot of conflicts...
i actually said to sk that i thought of getting a place around here just to stay within the neighbourhood where i had been my whole life... both she and bil said no... i guess not practical in the long run... whatever, that had to be faced by next year...
They say change is one of the 2 constants in life.
Someone asked me if i write haiku . I did, when i was in school... was thinking of venting out via haiku... but no inspiration. Haiku is a 3 line prose with 5-7-5 syllables, usually on a subject/theme about nature... this is the simplest explanation. Originates from Japanese. And I thought...try something...
change is a turning
point or an inflexion point
remains to be seen.....
Feeble attempt... I know...that was the analogy that came to my mind...mathematical language and poetry just doesnt merge... So i thought illustrate with pictures, and to my amazement, there are loads of them on them, and I am not the only one that think like that!!!! O well... i am not so unique after all. :)
[Caveat: i do not take any financial risk, the graph above is merely to show that there are others who can map life events to math. Also as at this point, change to me is not associated with fear... more to unsettling...]
And thanks Ji Eun for the hug yesterday... i really like running into the kids along the corridor, in the canteen.... i like to see them growing up, and happy.... these are moments i will cherish....
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