Friday, June 25, 2010

I still miss you...

Why is it that even after talking to you…
Even after seeing you…

I still miss you.

dylan lee

When I saw these short lines in dylan's blog
[footnote: he has been writing many many poems... and these was a rare 3 liner from his writings],

the immediate natural response these word evoked, was to continue from there, and these are the lines i added in cohesion and contrast...

Why is it even after silence is the only conversation with you…
Even after not wanting to see you…

I still miss you.

life is full of contradictions, and rationalisation and feelings just dont meet. The whys to both questions are actually easily answered rationally, quite obviously.

In both cases, the person who query knows the answer. Then why ask the question? and what is the difference between the two cases?

I just came back from sk's place, and in one of the tv program, the actor said


and I thought of the 2 sets of 3 liners, and said to myself, this is the answer to the whys actually... there is no difference between the 2 cases ... because the answer to both is actually the same...

except possibly the second set is more poignant...
In my pensive mood... thanks, dylan for giving me the 感触....

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