Sunday, June 27, 2010

Before Break Ends...

ok, must face it... break is ending... if not ended.

writing needs alot of time, and feel.... and the luxury of writing almost everyday can only be done at designated breaks...

So to round of june series of contemplations... actually i got quite abit to write and have scanned pictures and photos for them ... (sorry, too back-dated, still havent got digitalised yet...) whatever... got to wait till the next long break series... :)

2 cursory events.


(1) Pride/Dignity

Todays papers about MM Lee's comments on learning of languages, he was asked why he learnt Chinese as an adult (Peranakan background people speak Malay and English, not Chinese), and he said 自 尊 心, which Straits Times translated as self-respect. I was checking back my earlier post, and I had explained it as, dignity -- a kind of self-respect; a pride for what you are. Which is what he meant, take pride that you are a chinese, so know your language.

These are intrinsic values. But, I think understanding this requires a particular phase of life. There are some things we heard, or are taught, it takes one at a particular frame to understand the essence.

So learning cant be rushed....but teaching/imparting must still go on... hopefully the impact comes home later.

(2) scgs

Attended scgs dance concert yesterday. Glad to meet many ex colleagues, many of whom had left, but somehow, when there is an scgs event, we come together. Somehow we understood and feel for each other despite not seeing each other for so long. We had worked together for the same cause and that feeling is special.

Was glad also to meet my retired vp who was also the Head of English for some years when I first taught there. Very glad that I have the occasion to thank her for my time there. It was the place that I had developed most as a teacher, and she gave me alot of opportunity to do so ; without which, I would be a much 'poorer' teacher.

I regretted not having sought the opportunity to thank and keep in touch with some people that had had a significant effect, in particular my primary 6 teacher, whom I think is no longer around. Some day, i will write about her.

I still keep in touch with the retired P who had also nurtured me alot. So having this opportunity to renew ties with this lady means alot to me. She also went through bereavement these last 2 years.

Actually, I was closest to the other vp,(Mrs Tan CL) who passed away in service in 1995. It left a deep mark on me that I will never forget. It was with her, that I worked out the pastoral care and career guidance program. Though she was a vp, she sat in the staff room with us in the old school at cairnhill road, and I was next to her for 3 years. She knew the staff well and all our working style and habits, and was very wise in the way she dealt with people. Alot of discretion, giving room for growth. Her caring heart and wisdom taught me alot. I really missed her when we moved into the new school, and she had her vp room in July 1994.

She died suddenly, after returning from a holiday in 1995, caught a virus that attacked her heart, and died within a day after she returned to Singapore. Her husband is a doctor. I was not in Singapore then. The sense of devastation and grief to the school was undescribable.

I remembered a month later, the P asked me to help her clear the vp's room. They were very close. It was painful to go through the letters and cards of thanks she had received, including from me. That room was left empty for a year. I can understand now why the P did that. Why she left everything intact for so long. It must have hit her very very hard.

Many memories came back, mostly pleasant. And watching scgs dance is always a treat. They are as always, in a class of their own here.
and as break ends... this june series of almost daily diverse and random meanderings including many shots at creative writing that dont quite meet the mark will end....... the next serial should be in december (will include my art-work then!) ....

my new sem resolution: pick up music again (and spend time practising!!!!!) and go back before 6pm (when no meetings); try some exercise.... keep up vitamins( headaches is now 9 out of 42 days, not bad ;) ) ... and keep up with friends not just in holidays....

ok, will still write randomly... but will be very random.... writing is really very addictive...

End June series

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