Saturday, April 7, 2012


I must write this...

I am very angry with the resolution passed by the Yale University faculty members, especially more so, with the forthcoming collaboration with nus.

First of all, let Sinaporeans resolve issues themselves over time, and this had and did happen. Secondly, the opening of the mind transcends past individual countries and, so, what is the relevance to do this? Thirdly, the tone of condescension in the name of concern, is not welcomed. And, indeed rather 'uncivil' .

That they see the need to pass such a provocative resolution leaves one skeptical and uncomfortable with how much seeds of contention will arise in the name of "civil liberty" and "political freedom" under Liberal Arts (???)Seriously, given our small and highly vulnerable frame, this is not what is appreciated and needed when so many more vital issues are at stake to the welfare and continuity of the nation.

And these Yale professors should note that the 'so-called history' of Singapore they refer to, for which they express 'concern' is but a tiny fraction of their long illustrious history of 'civil liberty' that arose from centuries of conflicts between their 'new settlers' (in this present day, what would that be called?) and the original inhabitants of North America, and their attempt in 'civilizing' the native americans by various means, that may not be respected or accepted. Now they have attained somewhat to that civilised superiority, i suppose they therefore feel they have to 'rise to the occasion'. To make what difference???

I am nowhere near being an intellect of any calibre, but at least I know mutual respect and civility takes precedence over 'freedom'.

I must say, i am very disappointed with this, before the start of the collaboration....



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