Saturday, October 2, 2010

Duty above Self, no matter what....

I was very saddened by Dr Balaji Sadasivan's death. No, I dont know him, nor much about him. But did know he is one of the Minister of State, low profile, unassuming, but a good man. And the loss of good man is always a grief.

When all the tributes poured in, truly he was a good man. Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam's eulogy of him in today's In Memoriam (ST) was well encapsulated in "Duty above Self, no matter what." I have since imbibed much more of this word, and will remember such an exemplary man, the personification of Duty above Self.

I told myself I will write a short post to keep this in record... before I could, tc messaged me of the passing of Mrs Lee Kuan Yew late this afternoon. Somehow he must have realised I would be behind in news. Yes, i was.

And yes, I am very very sad. Do I know her? Does it matter? I have come across people who have and all were consistent of her superb astuteness, and goodness. I feel much for her loss, for her family, all of whom this nation owe a debt to.

Words are so inadequate, and superficial....truly this has been a year of painful losses....i dont know how to comfort those who mourn the passing of their loved ones... I have yet to come through my own tunnel... but I do know it is always some consolation to know there are people that care... I hope to some measure, however small, they would have some comfort.

I feel for MM Lee, the loss of 60+ years of companionship; and in her illness, he has shown truly the meaning of marriage, through good health and illness. Wei Ling's testimony of it was truly touching; I feel for Wei Ling, remembering her articles and her love for her family, and what her mother has been to her; most of all, I feel for PM Lee who must bear the pain of loss, and yet must still serve in public, as the leader of the nation, to exemplify Duty before Self, no matter what.


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