Friday, January 1, 2016

31 December 2015

A short final post for the year 2015....

Am very grateful that T and B, especially B are still with me. I didn't know what to expect from when I last wrote, the last 14 days of steroid had helped her pulled up. For how long, I do not know. Sufficient for the day is the care thereof. I am truly very grateful for the blessings of each day.

This year seemed a long year. The deepest impact is the passing of Mr Lee KY. It wasn't just for that moment. I will never forget how much I had taken things for granted; how obtuse and biased some of my views had been, amidst some others that may have been right; how easily one can fall prey to seeds of doubt sown, and fail to acknowledge the much good that had provided me for with security and safety. I will never forget the lessons learnt through his passing.

The sg50 events and the general elections that took place were incidentals to the year, and they had added to make 2015 stand out.

The passing of cousin bc and niece yl made the year a sad year. Though not unexpected, it does not mitigate the loss felt. It seemed deaths and illnesses are now making themselves very much present.

On a personal front, i got rid of the albatross 'legitly' and finally finished the Masters of GE. I pause for this year, and maybe the next....where I would go from here in the realm of education, I am still pondering.....meantime, tcm is a mind sessions start next remains to be seen how far more I will venture on.

I have mellowed. More importantly, I have come through many internal conflicts, and cleared many debris within. I just want to move forward, toward the heavenly country that I seek after. My concern and care for many of my friends, especially those that had been good and kind to me over these past years is increasingly a weight on my soul. I hope they would be able to see the hope that is in me, for the world to come, and enquire after this hope that is now the source of my joy....the hope that is wrought for me through the gospel of God.

The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
Proverbs 4:18

With the passing of time and increase of age, the ebbing of strength and the physical frame is inevitable. But the inner man is renewed day by day, and the hope and joy of that which is to come becomes more endearing.

I am glad I am no longer young. But I would still wish to do what I can for the young. God has been very good to me, in this year 2015. In looking back, though the losses from the past are still painfully felt, perhaps, in some ways, spiritually, this is one of the best year, where the peace of God that passeth understanding had filled the inner being, especially in times of dark downsittings.

I remain very grateful to my companions, friends, and many of my former students. They have added alot of warmth and care to my life. Grateful is an understatement.  And I am so happy to cross into 2016 with T and B.


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